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Gangnam Style Mashup
by Jake Clark

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Youtube Thumbnail KLINGON STYLE (Star Trek Parody of PSY - GANGNAM STYLE)
by Comediva
3:56 - 7,023,640 views

Klingon Style is now on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klingon-style-single/id649858327

Hey, Sexy Lady! Romance. Success. Qapla'! Whatever, you guys didn't understand Gangnam Style either.

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Lyrics here: http://www.comediva.com/klingon-style-lyrics (with pronunciation, too!)
Go to http://www.comediva.com/tags/Star-Trek for more STAR TREK funny stuff!
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Concept, Lyrics & Translation by Kristen Bobst (http://twitter.com/thekristeno)
Directed by Emily McGregor (http://twitter.com/airhumps)
Produced by Linda Yvette Chavez (http://twitter.com/lindayvette)
Executive Producer & Editor - Erika Cervantes (http://twitter.com/erikacervantes)
Sound Mix and Vocals by Chris Thomas (http://soundcloud.com/chris-thomas-composer)

Ror Morrison as Klingon (http://twitter.com/ror1819)
Jenni Stukin as Counselor Deanna Troi
Luis Navarro as Commander William T. Riker (http://twitter.com/LuisN1)
Sam Weller as Lt. Commander Data (http://twitter.com/CraveSam)
Nikol Davis as Guinan (http://twitter.com/SoooRiNIKulous)
Kyle Villalovos as Mini-Spock
Marisha Ray as Dancing Trekkie
Brittany Freeth as Dancing Trekkie (http://twitter.com/brittanyfreeth)
Kosha Patel as Dancing Trekkie (http://twitter.com/KoshaDelhi)
Sascha Alexander as Dancing Trekkie (http://twitter.com/smascha)
Matt Jennings as Dancing Trekkie
Kristen Bobst as Dancing Trekkie
Gira Balisteri as Dancing Trekkie

Director of Photography - Blaine Dunkley (http://www.tonofbricks.net)
SFX by Kevin Lipnos (http://twitter.com/kevlipnos)
Makeup Artist - Kazu Okada
Adapted Choreography by Linda Yvette Chavez
Production Assistant - Bethany Boles

Very special thanks to our Klingon language expert: Felix Malmenbeck (http://twitter.com/loghaD)

Happy 25th Anniversary, "Star Trek: The Next Generation"! (http://bit.ly/STTNGLines)

Comediva. Where the funny girls are.
Youtube Thumbnail PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) PARODY! KIM JONG STYLE! | Key of Awesome #63
PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) PARODY! KIM JONG STYLE! | Key of Awesome #63
by The Key of Awesome
3:14 - 107,790,767 views

Kim Jong Style! The best K-POP comes from North Korea!

Watch the comments video:

Watch Behind the Scenes: http://youtu.be/3LeiYqqVO24
Written by Todd Womack, Mark Douglas, and Bryan Olsen.
Directed by Tom Small

Check out our second Channel! http://bit.ly/xtPqZI
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Mark's Channel: http://bit.ly/xZxp0Q

Todd's Channel: http://bit.ly/ykTswv

Viet Vo's Stuff: (Kim Jong Un)

Andy Zou's Stuff:

Camille Casanova's Stuff:

Caroline Caron Phelps' Stuff:

Ryun Hobb's Stuff:

Music Produced by Deep V Music:

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The Key of Awesome
P.O. Box 30921 New York, NY 10011

Oppan Kim Jong style
Kim Jong Style!!

I am kim jeong-un and I'm not here to amuse ya,
No, not kim jeong-il sorry for the confusion.
Everybody thinks South Korea makes the best K-pop.

You know who does a better job? Do you?
I'll give you a guess
It's a country whose number one export is nuclear tests
The national pastime of the people is to be oppressed

Did you guess North Korea congrats cuz you are the best!
You passed the test!
And I'm the leader,
The Great Successor
Who'd have known? Me!
I should have known! Yay!

I'd run for office,
but who'd oppose me?
Any of You? Nay!
How bout you? Nay!

Because just like Thor God of Thunder my Father chose chose chose chose me
KPOP Kim Jong Style!
Kim Jong Style!!

Walk-walk-walk-walk Walking Kim Jong Style
Let's chill for a while

Back to work!

Hey check out our Navy
Fire Fire Shoot Fire Fire

Wiping out hostiles
And nobody's lazy
Work-work sleep then work, torture!
I think you thought the Kim Jong age was almost done.

But just like Friends or Seinfeld it is only a rerun.
Cuz I'm just like my father and his father Kim Il Sung,
'cept they call me Kim Jong Fun, number one!

I got awesome hair
My daddy willed it to me because I'm his awesome heir
You should come to North Korea because we have awesome air
It's the only thing we have to eat because the food is scarce

Check in on Foursquare

I'm like the Beatles
I make the people
Cry and scream (yay)
See what I mean? (whew)
I go swimmin,
I pick up women
Take off your clothes (okay)
Suck on my toes (Who, me?)
I am Kim Jong Un and I will never be depose-pose-pose-posed !!!

Dancing Single File!
Make sure and Smile!

Throw-ow-ow-ow them on the pile.
Without trial.
Kim Jong Style.
Youtube Thumbnail NERDY STYLE : Gangnam Style Parody
NERDY STYLE : Gangnam Style Parody
by Boy Bao
4:42 - 1,225,519 views

Get Nerdy Style T-shirts today: http://bit.ly/15zHzF8
Download the song for FREE : http://bit.ly/NSwgCg
▼ My Links ▼
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/therealboybao/
Friend Me: http://on.fb.me/PXtn3c
Tumblr: http://goo.gl/t4Lmi8
T-Shirts : http://goo.gl/6scKdm
My 2nd Channel : http://goo.gl/WE9DGu
FanPage: http://on.fb.me/lXC0dV

Thumbs up and Share if you've got that NERDY STYLE

Subscribe for more awesome videos!!

Myx TV contest winner

Edwin for recording vocals : http://bit.ly/Qk5ahy
Zuri for filming : http://on.fb.me/Qg94bl
Daniel The Bully : http://on.fb.me/ScVBYa
Fitzgerald Bully#2 : http://bit.ly/Pa3t6x
Alison Nerdy Girl : http://bit.ly/naOubU
Joey Asian Nerd #2: http://goo.gl/Oh0Tg6
Lloyd (Hip Thruster) : http://bit.ly/PxJbWv
Ariel, Vanessa, Catherin, Cindy, SoJung, Eryck, Daniel, Michelle

Instrumental created by ADreamOfficial
by Bart Baker
3:32 - 55,108,918 views

Hot Dog Condom Style! The English Translation of Gangnam Style by PSY.
GET THIS SONG ON iTUNES - http://bit.ly/HotDogCondom
TWEET THIS - http://clicktotweet.com/7bF1S
Get The Original Song - http://tinyurl.com/czyz5r8

BEAT REMADE BY - http://www.youtube.com/user/ADreamOfficial SUBSCRIBE TO HIM

Watch the Original video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0
BECOME A FACEBOOK FAN - http://www.facebook.com/BartBakerFans
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/bartbaker

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/bartbaker
GOOGLE + ME - http://bit.ly/tbnFcB

2nd CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/BartBakerTwo

Facebook Mehttp://on.fb.me/oQqMvW

"Gangnam Style" Parody Featuring

Bart Baker - http://www.youtube.com/BartBaKer

Arika Sato - http://www.youtube.com/user/ArikaSato

PeeDeeFlo - http://www.youtube.com/user/peedeeflo

Tim DeLaGhetto - http://www.youtube.com/user/TimothyDeLaGhetto2

Ricky Schucks - http://www.youtube.com/user/iBeShucks

"Gangnam Style" Parody - Directed by Bart Baker

"Gangnam Style" Parody - Edited by Bart Baker

"Gangnam Style" Parody - Written by Bart Baker

"Gangnam Style" Parody - Produced by Ken Furer -http://twitter.com/kenfurer

"Gangnam Style" Parody - Shot by Mike Bauman

"Gangnam Style" Parody Sound Engineer - Bart Baker

"Gangnam Style" Parody - Coordinated by Michael Surh

"Gangnam Style" Parody - PA Morris Ellis

Costume Design - Morgan Christanson - http://youtube.com/ohyeahmorgan

Costume Design - Sulai Rajkirin - http://youtube.com/sulairajkirin
Youtube Thumbnail title
- views

Youtube Thumbnail גמבה סטייל (Gangnam Style - הפארודיה העברית - The Hebrew Parody)
גמבה סטייל (Gangnam Style - הפארודיה העברית - The Hebrew Parody)
by Srutonim - שרוטונים
2:54 - 65,059,679 views

אל תשכחו ללחוץ על הפעמון!
הפארודיה העברית המצליחה ביותר לGangnam Style

הפקה: שרוטונים
תסריט ובימוי: יובל בינדר
צילום: יובל מרום
מנהל קריאטיב: ניב פועל
מפיקים בפועל: טובל וסרשטיין ואור שבת
שירה: יובל בינדר
פלייבק: ADreamOfficial: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfD2sjAd2js3p_tfeoEwmXw
עריכה: יובל בינדר, ירין אהרונוף וקובי חדור
סטיילינג: ליאן פועל
משתתפים: יובל בינדר, דפי אלון, ירדן קולר, תמר יוסף, טניה ירושלמי, עילאי אונגר, קארין ריי איירי, ירין אהרונוף, אור שבת, תומר מזרחי, אור ריזנמן, דור יתח, אלעד כהן, יובל בנדל, אלי ברוייר ונוי קליינר
כוכב אורח: משה פרסטר
תרגום לאנגלית: אורי דור
כתוביות באנגלית: אליעד לוי
תודות: חוות חניאל, שווארמה שמש, מועדון היאיא וכפיר אדלר


טקטקו איתנו - https://www.tiktok.com/@srutonim
שימו עוקב - https://www.instagram.com/srutonim
תנו בלייק - https://www.facebook.com/srutonimIL
האזינו בכל שירותי המוזיקה - http://srutonim.co.il/musicstores
תביאו בסאב - https://www.youtube.com/user/srutonim?sub_confirmation=1
ערוץ הפרסומות - https://www.youtube.com/user/SrutonimADS?sub_confirmation=1
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