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The parody has turning Annoying
by Geo the astronaut

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Youtube Thumbnail Fun Ways to Die (wait for the end)
Fun Ways to Die (wait for the end)
by Niva BarShimon
2:03 - 2,005,109 views

Fun is of course sarcasm - We don't really want to die, just live in peace.
Wait for the end of the movie if you don't understand...
Voice and Animation: Niva Bar-Shimon http://www.niva.ahome.co.il/
Music and Inspiration: 'Be Safe Around Trains' ('Dumb Ways to Die') Melbourne campaign by McCann http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw
Youtube Thumbnail Dumb Ways To Die Parody: Dumber Ways To Die
Dumb Ways To Die Parody: Dumber Ways To Die
by bowlingballout
1:55 - 5,789,468 views

Many appologies to those that liked this video, but I was forced to changed the audio since there was a copyright claim against me and my network did NOTHING to prove this was original work. WHICH IT IS!!! Thanks to the first 5.5 million people that watched this video.

I saw this video by chance about two weeks ago... I thought it was very cool. About a week later I thought I should try and do a parody. So I wrote the lyrics and then spent about four hours before realizing I didn't have the musical skills to produce it, so I nearly gave up on it... then I thought about Stephen Paul Taylor. If you don't know him, you need to check out his music
I asked him if he wouldn't try turning my lyrics into a song that parodied the original, and that I really didn't need more than the guitar. Then I got the file and was delighted beyond measure. What a great job he did... and all in under four hours.

Little did I know that this was going to be so demanding. Each little 5 second segment took about 2 hours, and each dance took about two hours. I had twelve of those to produce, and I pretty much memorized the song after the first 4 segments. But, as I got nearer the end of the project, I couldn't wait to see it in all its glorious silliness.

Put your head in a jet engine
Swallow a hand grenade
Stick your tongue in a light socket
Tie your junk to a skyrocket

Dumber ways to die
So many dumber ways to die
Dumber ways to die
So many dumber ways to die

Drive your car off a cliff
Take a nap in the fridge
Play soccer on the interstate
Dance near an open sewer grate


Dry your hair in the tub
Find a boa and give 'em a hug
Pet a tiger like a kitty cat
Tell your wife she's really fat.


Software used:
Toonboom 7.1
Adobe Premiere
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Youtube Thumbnail Dumb Ways to Die
Dumb Ways to Die
by DumbWays2Die
3:02 - 182,481,105 views

Get our latest mobile game!
Apple - https://tinyurl.com/dumbwaysapple
Google Play - https://tinyurl.com/dumbwaysandroid

Download the song: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/dumb-ways-to-die-single/id575962249
or http://soundcloud.com/tangerinekitty/tangerine-kitty-dumb-ways-to

Find us on Facebook:

© Metro Trains Melbourne, Dumb Ways to Die™
Youtube Thumbnail The Maccabeats - Smart Ways to Live
The Maccabeats - Smart Ways to Live
by Maccabeats
2:39 - 6,644,677 views

These are only some of the many Smart Ways to Live! Leave more in the comments below.

Music video for "Smart Ways to Live" by the Maccabeats.
Animation produced by Elie Gabor http://www.eliecreative.com
"Smart Ways to Live" is a parody of "Dumb Ways to Die" by Tangerine Kitty

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/smart-ways-to-live-single/id612501093


This and all Maccabeats music is recorded a cappella.

Bookings: booking@maccabeats.com
Tour dates: http://www.maccabeats.com/events/tour-dates/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/maccabeats
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/maccabeats
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