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new vdeo - strange mashup
by ray3

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Youtube Thumbnail He thinks I'm gay?!
He thinks I'm gay?!
by sweirde
0:08 - 5,720 views

What have I done...
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MAD - Mario the Goomba Killer
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"You crook! You criminal!"
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Diesel's weird day at work and at home
by AMB88310
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Created at http://goanimate.com/
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Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie3
by TomSka
1:25 - 58,149,600 views

Pre-Order Muffin Time on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bigpotato/muffin-time-the-random-card-game)
ass-duff-moo-vee-three - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Animated by Jamie ‘RageNineteen’ Spicer-Lewis (http://youtube.com/ragenineteen)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Intro music by Matt Brinkworth (http://twitter.com/mattretrospekt)
“New Dog” joke by asdfcomp winner MarcSpastic1 (http://youtube.com/marcspastic1)

TomSka Shirts (http://sharkrobot.com/asdfmovie)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)

Special thanks to Amy, Chloe and Edd.
Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie2
by TomSka
1:52 - 59,605,431 views

Pre-Order Muffin Time on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bigpotato/muffin-time-the-random-card-game)
ass-duff-moo-vee-too - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Animated by Edd 'Eddsworld' Gould (http://youtube.com/eddsworld)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Music by Stephen Grant (http://thesherbetheaddd.tumblr.com/)
Ending Sting by Skoolcool (http://youtube.com/skoolcool)
Featuring the voices of: Chloe Dungate (http://youtube.com/scarfdemon), Edd Gould, Chris Bingham (http://youtube.com/slomozovo), and Will Ryan (http://youtube.com/diamondarmada2008).

TomSka Shirts (http://sharkrobot.com/asdfmovie)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)

Special thanks to Casey, Sam, George, Harry, Tom and Marianne.
Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie
by TomSka
1:47 - 63,429,854 views

Pre-Order Muffin Time on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bigpotato/muffin-time-the-random-card-game)
ass-duff-moo-vee - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Animated by James Cunningham (http://youtube.com/EpikkuFeiru)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Featuring Chris Bingham (http://youtube.com/slomozovo)
Music: Acrodysostosis and Goof by Binärpilot (http://binaerpilot.no/)

Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)
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