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Too Many Pulcino Pio
by Gummy Pio

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Youtube Thumbnail PULCINO PIO - The Little Chick Cheep (Official video)
PULCINO PIO - The Little Chick Cheep (Official video)
2:45 - 21,440,335 views

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2CG3LxaIqJLetH1o1qf9Hi?si=Bj6y3YKTTISgqmVYW2a6og
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/the-little-chick-cheep-single/id577770566
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pulcinopioofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pulcinopioofficial

BRAND LICENSING - licensing@globorecords.com
BOOKING - booking@globorecords.com
PUBLISHING INQUIRIES - info@babyangelmusic.it
MUSIC - info@doityourself.it

On the radio there's a little chick, on the radio there's a little chick
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little hen, on the radio there's a little hen
And the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little cock, on the radio there's a little cock
And the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little turkey, on the radio there's a little turkey
And the turkey gobble gobble, and the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little pigeon, on the radio there's a little pigeon
And the pigeon cru cru, and the turkey gobble gobble, and the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little cat, on the radio there's a little cat
And the cat mew, and the pigeon cru cru, and the turkey gobble gobble, and the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little dog, on the radio there's a little dog
And the dog woof, and the cat mew, and the pigeon cru cru, and the turkey gobble gobble, and the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little goat, on the radio there's a little goat
And the goat mah, and the dog woof, and the cat mew, and the pigeon cru cru, and the turkey gobble gobble, and the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little lamb, on the radio there's a little lamb
And the lamb bah, and the goat mah, and the dog woof, and the cat mew, and the pigeon cru cru, and the turkey gobble gobble, and the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little cow, on the radio there's a little cow
And the cow moo, and the lamb bah, and the goat mah, and the dog woof, and the cat mew, and the pigeon cru cru, and the turkey gobble gobble, and the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little bull, on the radio there's a little bull
And the bull muu, and the cow moo, and the lamb bah, and the goat mah, and the dog woof, and the cat mew, and the pigeon cru cru, and the turkey gobble gobble, and the cock-a-doodle-doo, and the hen co-co, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep, and the chick cheep

On the radio there's a little tractor, on the radio there's a little tractor
And the tractor brumm, and the tractor bruum, and the tractor bruum and the chick oh oh

Lyrics are copyrighted and no reproduction, use, synchronization, nor partial or whole exploitation in any manner and format are allowed without prior written authorization by publishers and entitled parties. Any unauthorized and illegal usage is and will be prosecutable as by law enacted. All rights reserved.
Youtube Thumbnail PULCINO PIO - El Pollito Pio (Official video)
PULCINO PIO - El Pollito Pio (Official video)
2:46 - 1,483,731,416 views

Enjoy: https://smarturl.it/ElPollitoPioAlbum
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pulcinopioofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pulcinopioofficial

BRAND LICENSING - licensing@globorecords.com
BOOKING - booking@globorecords.com
PUBLISHING INQUIRIES - info@babyangelmusic.it
MUSIC - info@doityourself.it

En la radio hay un pollito, en la radio hay un pollito
y el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay una gallina, en la radio hay una gallina
y la gallina coo, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay también un gallo, en la radio hay también un gallo
y el gallo cocorocó, y la gallina coo y el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay un pavo, en la radio hay un pavo
y el pavo glú glú glú, y el gallo cocorocó y la gallina coo y el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay una paloma, en la radio hay una paloma
y la paloma ruu, el pavo glugluglu, el gallo cocorocó, y la gallina coo, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay también un gato, en la radio hay también un gato
y el gato miao, la paloma ruu, el pavo glú glú glú, el gallo cocorocó, la gallina coo, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay también un perro, en la radio hay también un perro
y el perro guau guau, el gato miao, la paloma ruu, el pavo glú glú glú, el gallo cocorocó, la gallina coo, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay una cabra, en la radio hay una cabra
y la cabra meee, el perro guau guau, el gato miao, la paloma ruu , el pavo glú glú glú, el gallo cocorocó, la gallina coo, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay un cordero, en la radio hay un cordero
y el cordero beee, la cabra meee, el perro guau guau, el gato miao, la paloma ruu, el pavo glú glú glú, el gallo cocorocó, la gallina coo, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay una vaca, en la radio hay una vaca
y la vaca moo, el cordero beee, la cabra meee, el perro guau guau, el gato miao, la paloma ruu, el pavo glú glú glú, el gallo cocorocó, la gallina coo, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay también un toro, en la radio hay también un toro
y el toro muu, la vaca moo, el cordero beee, la cabra meee , el perro guau guau, el gato miao, la paloma ruu, el pavo glú glú glú, el gallo cocorocó y la gallina coo, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío, el pollito pío

En la radio hay un tractor, en la radio hay un tractor
y el tractor bruum, y el tractor bruum, y el tractor bruum
y el pollito…(squeck) OH OH

El texto está protegido por copyright y no se permite su reproducción, su uso, sincronización, explotación total o parcial de cualquier manera y en cualquier formato, sin autorización escrita de los editores o de las partes interesadas. Todos usos no autorizados son y sarán perseguibles de acuerdo a la ley aplicable. Todos los Derechos Reservados.

Lyrics are copyrighted and no reproduction, use, synchronization, nor partial or whole exploitation in any manner and format are allowed without prior written authorization by publishers and entitled parties. Any unauthorized and illegal usage is and will be prosecutable as by law enacted. All rights reserved.
Youtube Thumbnail ♪ El Lepisma Gsss - Minecraft (Parodia 'el Pollito Pio')
♪ El Lepisma Gsss - Minecraft (Parodia 'el Pollito Pio')
by pagoru
3:00 - 890,843 views

[Leer Descripción]


Making of : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iXAlKPn9XI

Canal de Kalamar: http://www.youtube.com/1kalamarcualquiera


Fondos de pantalla: http://www.mediafire.com/?opse415fmb597

Canción: http://www.mediafire.com/?qhred0989gq0tl5



En Minecraft hay un Lepisma
El Lepisma Gsss

En Minecraft hay un Slime
El Slime Blop

En Minecraft hay un Pollo
El Pollo Coco

En Minecraft hay un Gato
El Gato Miau

En Minecraft hay un Perro
El Perro Guau

En Minecraft hay un Cerdo
El Cerdo Oink

En Minecraft hay una Oveja
La oveja Beee

En Minecraft hay una Vaca
La Vaca Muuu

En Minecraft hay Aldeanos
El Aldeano

En Minecraft hay un Zombie
El Zombie Woaaa

En Minecraft hay Creeper
El Creeper sss

En Minecraft hay un Yunque
El Yunque Clonc


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TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/pablogoru
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/mrpagoru


Pablo: http://www.youtube.com/mrpagoru
Animación: http://www.youtube.com/drpagoru
Pablo Extra: http://www.youtube.com/srpagoru
Marc y Albert: http://www.youtube.com/grpagoru
Sincafeina y Deiko: http://www.youtube.com/sdpagoru
KoDe: http://www.youtube.com/dkpagoru

Youtube Thumbnail El pollito Pío 3D - Cantan Los Pollitos
El pollito Pío 3D - Cantan Los Pollitos
by Wow Club Español
3:07 - 405,315,714 views

Suscríbete a KIDSTIX! ► http://bit.ly/SuscribeteKIDSTIX
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#VideosParaNiños #DibujosAnimados #SeriesParaNiños

El pollito Pío 3D - Cantan Los Pollitos
Youtube Thumbnail PULCINO PIO - O Pintinho Piu (Official video)
PULCINO PIO - O Pintinho Piu (Official video)
3:04 - 23,363,302 views

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/4PlvNLyF4CZWdPaYAfmluA?si=9eTYR3xXQyyW4gQaPX7SJw
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/it/album/o-pintinho-piu-single/id586192001
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pulcinopioofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pulcinopioofficial

BRAND LICENSING - licensing@globorecords.com
BOOKING - booking@globorecords.com
PUBLISHING INQUIRIES - info@babyangelmusic.it
MUSIC - info@doityourself.it

Na rádio eu tinha um pinto
Na rádio eu tinha um pinto
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha uma galinha
Na rádio eu tinha uma galinha
E a galinha có, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um galo
Na rádio eu tinha um galo
E o galo corococó, e a galinha có
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um peru
Na rádio eu tinha um peru
E o peru gulugulu, e o galo corococó
E a galinha có, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um capote
Na rádio eu tinha um capote
E o capote tofraco, e o peru gulugulu
E o galo corococó, e a galinha có
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um gato
Na rádio eu tinha um gato
E o gato miau, e o capote tofraco
E o peru gulugulu, e o galo corococó
E a galinha có, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um cachorro
Na rádio eu tinha um cachorro
E o cachorro auau, e o gato miau
E o capote tofraco, e o peru gulugulu
E o galo corococó, e a galinha có
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha uma cabra
Na rádio eu tinha uma cabra
E a cabra mé, e o cachorro auau
E o gato miau, e o capote tofraco
E o peru gulugulu , e o galo corococó
E a galinha có, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um bode
Na rádio eu tinha um bode
E o bode bé, e a cabra mé
E o cachorro auau, e o gato miau
E o capote tofraco, e o peru gulugulu
E o galo corococó, e a galinha có
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha uma vaca
Na rádio eu tinha uma vaca
E a vaca mó, e o bode bé
E a cabra mé, e o cachorro auau
E o gato miau, e o capote tofraco
E o peru gulugulu , e o galo corococó
E a galinha có , e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um boi
Na rádio eu tinha um boi
E o boi mú, a vaca mó
E o bode bé, a cabra mé
E o cachorro auau, e o gato miau
E o capote tofraco, e o peru gulugulu
E o galo corococó, e a galinha có
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um veado
Na rádio eu tinha um veado
E o veado aiai, o boi mú
E a vaca mó, o bode bé
E a cabra mé, o cachorro auau
E o gato miau, e o capote tofraco
E o peru gulugulu , e o galo corococó
E a galinha có , e o pintinho piu
E o pintinho piu, e o pintinho piu

Na rádio eu tinha um trator
Na rádio eu tinha um trator
E o trator vrum, o trator vrum
E o trator vrum, e o pintinhu 'vap'

Lyrics are copyrighted and no reproduction, use, synchronization, nor partial or whole exploitation in any manner and format are allowed without prior written authorization by publishers and entitled parties. Any unauthorized and illegal usage is and will be prosecutable as by law enacted. All rights reserved.
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