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Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter A, "Hooray For A" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter A, "Hooray For A" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:25 - 10,817,472 views

The StoryBots celebrate how amazing the letter "A" is, and sing about apples, antelopes, and anteaters!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

This is the part of the song
Where the StoryBots introduce the letter A

Hooray for A
A is amazing

Hooray for A
A's a big part of your day

Hooray for A
A can do almost anything

Hooray for A
A is A-okay

Hooray, Hooray,
Hooray, Hooray for A

I am a StoryBot and this is the part of the song where I talk about
the letter A
And we list things like apples and antelopes and anteaters and
other stuff like that

Hooray (hooray) for A (for A)
Hooray for A (hooray)
Hooray (hooray) for A (for A)
Hooray for A (hooray)

Hooray, Hooray,
Hooray, Hooray for A

And that is the end of the song

Music by Parry Gripp
Animation by StoryBots
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter S, "Say Yes To S" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter S, "Say Yes To S" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:15 - 3,532,338 views

The StoryBots celebrate how super the letter "S" is, and sing about soap, sharks, and spaghetti!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

We will now sing a special song
About the letter S

Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S
So many super letters
S is one of the best

You've gotta Shout it and sing it
You're sure to have success

Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S

Squids and Squirrels
And saucy spaghetti
Sauerkraut and sardines

Smiles and Socks
And soggy salamanders
Sprinkles and submarines

Somebody spilled spinach-dip on my sport coat
That sparrow looks suspicious

Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S

Oh yes!

The sound coming out of the speaker
Was quite satisfactory
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter W, "Wonderful W" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter W, "Wonderful W" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:20 - 3,834,282 views

The StoryBots celebrate how wonderful the letter "W" is, and sing about wagons, wands, and waffles!
The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Welcome to the wonderful world
Of the letter W

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

The Wizard is waving a wand

The Walrus is waxing his wagon

The whale is wearing a wig

And the worm goes wiggle waggle woggle

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

Let's watch the werewolf wallpaper his windmill
Where is that woodpecker going with my washing machine?
That's weird

W, W, Wonderful W

The wallaby winds up his watch
As waitress whistles for the waffles and whipped cream

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

Oh wow!
That was wild
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter N, "You Need an N" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter N, "You Need an N" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:26 - 5,109,345 views

The StoryBots celebrate how neat the letter "N" is, and sing about nachos, noodles, and neckties!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

We are now navigating
Near the letter N

When you want some nachos
And when you need a nap
And when you're visiting New Jersey

You need an N

And when you're eating noodles
And when you're sailing down the nile
And when you wear a necktie

You need an N


Nose hairs
Night lights
Name tags

I would like to note that I am a novice at needlepoint
Nonsense, I noticed that your needlepoint is very nice
Thank you!

And when you join the Navy
When you join the Navy
And when you're making noise
Make some noise
And when you're sneaking like a ninja
You need an N

Is there another verse to this song?
Negative. It is now time for the next one.
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: "The Letter P" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: "The Letter P" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:22 - 4,920,562 views

The StoryBots celebrate how perfect the letter "P" is, and sing about paint, plum trees, and pasta!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

We will now participate
In a program about the letter P

Penguins and pancakes
Poodles and ponies
partridges and pogo sticks
All start with the letter P

Papers and paddles
Paint and plum trees
Pasta and parsley
All start with the letter P

These are puppets
Can't you see

We're puppets

And puppet starts with the letter P

I have misplaced my pajama pants
Perhaps you can purchase another pair
They were very pricey.

Peanuts and pencils
And a pocketful of pennies
Polar bears and porcupines
All start with the letter P

And piglets
All start with the letter P

That was a positive experience.
Yes, I am as pleased as punch.
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter R, "Are You Ready For R" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter R, "Are You Ready For R" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:22 - 3,908,699 views

The StoryBots celebrate how rockin' the letter "R" is, and sing about rockets, reindeer, and ravioli!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Are you ready to rock
With the letter R

Are you ready for R?
Are you ready for R?

Are you ready for a rocket ride?

Are you ready for a regiment of rhinoceroses to rumble through your yard?

Are you ready for R?
Are you ready for R?

Are you ready to row your boat?

Are you ready for a roomful of reindeer?

Are you ready for R?

When you're rolling
I'm rolling
down the road on your roller skates

When you're racing
I'm racing
down the river in your rubber raft

Do you remember the raccoon riding in the rickshaw?
Why, yes. I recall he was eating ravioli.

Are you ready for R?

We're ready for R

Are you ready for the rodeo?


Are you ready to reach out for a rainbow?

Are you ready for R?

We are

Are you ready for R?

We are

Are you ready for R?

I really enjoyed those rhymes
Yes, I will give them a good rating
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter Q, "Question For Q" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter Q, "Question For Q" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:22 - 3,815,147 views

The StoryBots celebrate how cool the letter "Q" is, and sing about questions, quilts, and quarterbacks!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Our quest for knowledge
Has led us to the letter Q

Question For Q, Question for Q
Tell me have you got a question for Q?

What does a duck say? He says quack.

Who's that guy with the football? That's the quarterback.

What's this fancy blanket? That's called a quilt!

Why can't I catch the rabbit? Because he's really quick!

Question For Q, Question for Q
Tell me have you got a question for Q?

What is this little bird?
He is a quail.
A feather I can write with is called?
A quill.
What is this thing that you keep your arrows in?
It is called a Quiver.

Who's that lady in England? You must mean the Queen.

Why can I barely hear the radio? 'cause it's playing quietly.

Question For Q, Question for Q
Tell me have you got a question for Q?

This barbershop quartet is quite good.
Yes, they have a nice quality.
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter F, "F is Fun" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter F, "F is Fun" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:19 - 4,490,768 views

The StoryBots celebrate how fun the letter "F" is, and sing about ferris wheels, flowers, and french toast!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Follow us forward
As we focus on the letter F

Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
The letter F is fun
There's fourteen ferrets on a ferris wheel
The letter F is fun
There's a frog playing fiddle in farmer johns field
Free fried chicken is a really good deal
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
The letter F is fun


Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fun!


There was a fuzzy fox at the flower festival
I am fond of French toast with fruit topping
Far out!

Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
The letter F is fun
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
The letter F is fun
The letter F is fun
The letter F is fun

We are finished
That was fabulous
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