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BFDI Auditions Normal vs Effects Round 1
by Paul Hanna

This set has accumulated 247 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail BFDI FAN ANIMATION - Recommended Character Auditions (Remake)
BFDI FAN ANIMATION - Recommended Character Auditions (Remake)
by XanyLeaves
1:06 - 734,939 views

Was watching some old BFDI episodes and got to this part of episode 17, heard the date at the end and was like 'wow this is perfect' so here it is! This is mostly for the people that are subbed to me for object stuff, for those of you who aren't, JAR animated, Game Grumps animated and Oney Plays animated are all in the works.

Animated in Flash CS6 using assets created by Michael and Cary Huang
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI RC Auditions Effects Round 1 vs Everyone (1/20)
BFDI RC Auditions Effects Round 1 vs Everyone (1/20)
by GreyCatLogoEditor539 / GCLE539
1:04 - 428,072 views

Credit to anyone who owns their content in this video
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