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Gummy BEAR Six parsion
by Gummy Vlad

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Youtube Thumbnail gummy bear
gummy bear
by Gummy Vlad
0:34 - 9,562,461 views

Youtube Thumbnail Party Pop REMIX - Gummy Bear Song - Gummibär
Party Pop REMIX - Gummy Bear Song - Gummibär
by The Official Gummibär Channel
2:52 - 3,452,218 views

The Party Pop Remix music video of The Gummy Bear Song by Gummibär aka Osito Gominola, Ursinho Gummy, Funny Bear, The Gummy Bear, etc.
VISIT Gummibär online at http://www.gummibar.net
SHOP Gummibär at http://www.gummybearshop.com
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PLAY Gummibär (The Gummy Bear) GAME: http://www.gummybeargame.com
VISIT on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/funnygummy
FOLLOW on TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/imagummybear
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SEND a Gummibär ECARD: http://www.funnygummy.com
Gummibär JAPAN: http://www.gummybear.jp
OSITO GOMINOLA: http://www.ositogominola.mx
Youtube Thumbnail title
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Youtube Thumbnail gummy g major 9
gummy g major 9
by Gummy Vlad
2:41 - 718,370 views

Youtube Thumbnail title
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Youtube Thumbnail Yo Soy tu Osito Gominola - Las Canciones del Zoo | El Reino Infantil
Yo Soy tu Osito Gominola - Las Canciones del Zoo | El Reino Infantil
by El Reino Infantil
3:11 - 163,279,776 views

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Yo Soy tu Osito Gominola - Las Canciones del Zoo | El Reino Infantil
(Cebrian López, Jorge - Schneider, Christian Andre - Schneider, Christian Philipp)
Morocco's band
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