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by Jarvy

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Youtube Thumbnail Sunday TV Healing Mass for the Homebound February 22, 2015 Healing Eucharist
Sunday TV Healing Mass for the Homebound February 22, 2015 Healing Eucharist
by Pinoy TV
55:30 - 18,854 views

The Healing Eucharist TV Mass is aired every Sunday at 6am to 7am, over ABS-CBN Channel 2. It is also shown abroad through The Filipino Channel (TFC). One of the primary objectives of our TV Mass is to reach out to sick and elderly people who cannot physically go to Church and celebrate Mass. Live TV broadcast is considered one of the best media to spread the Good News, not only nationwide but throughout the world.
Youtube Thumbnail Sunday TV Healing Mass for the Homebound February 22, 2015 Healing Eucharist
Sunday TV Healing Mass for the Homebound February 22, 2015 Healing Eucharist
by Pinoy TV
55:30 - 18,854 views

The Healing Eucharist TV Mass is aired every Sunday at 6am to 7am, over ABS-CBN Channel 2. It is also shown abroad through The Filipino Channel (TFC). One of the primary objectives of our TV Mass is to reach out to sick and elderly people who cannot physically go to Church and celebrate Mass. Live TV broadcast is considered one of the best media to spread the Good News, not only nationwide but throughout the world.
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