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BFDI Auditions Quadparison #7

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Youtube Thumbnail BFDI Auditions: my way (read desc)
BFDI Auditions: my way (read desc)
by Le Sharkoïste
1:06 - 277,576 views

Discord: https://discord.gg/2UGrKvK

Do **NOT** include this video in your Mobizen/Kinemaster compilations without credit

CHARACTERS' GENDERS: (♂️ = male, ♀️ = female)
4-ball ♂️
Football/soccer ball ♂️
McBag ♀️
Golf Ball ♀️
Die ♂️
White Book ♂️
Glitchy clock ♀️
Homer ♂️
AlGmngYtbers ♂️
Dora FR ♀️
EDragonEgg ♂️
YTComms ♂️
RnbwFries ♂️
Goiky map ♀️
Pen ♂️
ArmlessPencil ♀️
NickelBFDIA ♂️
LoPWHBAoSHi2017 ♂️
Pi ♀️
AnnWithMouth ♂️
ThinSponge ♀️
Despacito ♂️
RainbowRobot ♀️
IC ♀️
Match ♀️
Fish ♀️
LimblessEraser ♂️
Youtube Thumbnail Recommended Character Auditions (Fan BFDI Animation)
Recommended Character Auditions (Fan BFDI Animation)
by Big Phil Animations
1:07 - 1,249,726 views

It took me about a hole week to finish this. It was difficult but did have fun making this

Original Done by jacknjellify - BFDI (Battle For Dream Island)
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