![]() Dumb Ways to Die
by DumbWays2Die 3:02 - 182,481,105 views Get our latest mobile game! Apple - https://tinyurl.com/dumbwaysapple Google Play - https://tinyurl.com/dumbwaysandroid Download the song: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/dumb-ways-to-die-single/id575962249 or http://soundcloud.com/tangerinekitty/tangerine-kitty-dumb-ways-to Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dumbwaystodie © Metro Trains Melbourne, Dumb Ways to Die™ |
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![]() Dumb Ways to Die - Happy Tree Friends Edition
by CartoonStar 3:07 - 10,155,229 views App & Online Game: http://www.htfgames.com Project of: http://www.cartoonstar.de Death Scenes and Cartoons: http://www.mondomedia.com Sung by: http://www.youtube.com/user/xXShireen03Xx Lyrics: ----------------------------------------------------- stay too long in the sun / hold a sharp-ended stick on the run don`t watch out, when crossing streets / turn high'n'higher the earphone beats REFRAIN steer an oil tanker through the north pole / light a bonfire with lots of petrol drive blindly a car and feel cool / go as non-swimmer in a deepend pool REFRAIN lift much too heavy weight / sometimes death comes fast and straight fall into unknown water is no bliss / replacing light bulbs when hearing gas hiss REFRAIN miscalculate a rocket setup can be hazardous / choking on oversized gum bubbles quite horrendous slashed your head? a crazy hairdresser might give a clue / i wonder what this red cable will do. REFRAIN stay out of the water during the jellyfish season / melting icecaps, caused by wasting energy may be the reason be stupid, uncool and smoke cigarettes, eat too much junk food, that makes you sick and fat, drinking alcohol, that poisonous stuff will shrink your brain they may not rhyme, but they kill most of the people REFRAIN Look after yourself! A message from CartoonStar. ---------------------------------------- Thanks to all involved! |
![]() Dumb Ways to Die in DayZ
by samueljfw 3:10 - 13,178,329 views Are they peanuts? Credits: Vocals - Joëlle Limburg: https://www.youtube.com/JoelleLimburg Backing track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QV2HAYKP7E&list=UU7lZ_iOz3NhA6krGfILerQA |
![]() Dumb Movie Ways to Die - Dumb Ways to Die Parody
by The Movie Maniacs 3:05 - 33,452,045 views Please support us at Patreon for as little as $1 per video to help us create more movie maniacs content. https://www.patreon.com/MovieManiacs Movie Maniacs present 'Dumb Movie Ways to Die' Animated & Directed by Simon Jago & Ryan Casey Performed by Rhonda Pownall All the title of the films parodied feature in the animation incase you can't remember the deaths. -------------- Official Site: http://www.TheMovieManiacs.com Follow us on Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/MovieManiacsMan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MovieManiacsComedy Tumblr: http://themoviemaniacsasylum.tumblr.com/ -------------- LYRICS Get eaten by a giant shark Try opening the Covenant Ark Kill the baby of the Bride Find Doctor Strangelove's nuclear bomb to ride Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Play around with an alien snake Steal ecstasy in Layer Cake Play puzzlebox with a Cenobite Pay no attention to the traffic light Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Try and threaten a Spartan King Watch the video of the Ring Go to the loo in Jurassic Park Hold hostage to Mr Tony Stark Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Jump in lava from a subway train Get crushed by a large window pane Shot by your dad in a deadly mist To the Mobile Infantry enlist Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Get set alight and fall from Minas Tirith Be a Jedi Knight in Revenge of the Sith Argue with Dr Manhattan Get some water thrown in your face Try kill Ryan Gosling in an elevator They may not rhyme but they're quite possible the Dumbest ways to die Dumbest ways to die Dumbest ways to die So many dumb So many dumb ways to die |
![]() Dumb Ways to Drive
by TheShmuz 3:20 - 4,553,890 views Purim... a time for fun, camaraderie, inspiration, connection with Hashem (G-d) and perhaps a L'chaim (or two!) - So don't forget to designate, a driver that's sober... Save two lives! 1. Share this video with at least one friend right now (click on the sideways "V" in the top right corner of the video screen) 2. Please drink responsibly on Purim (or anytime)! This is a public safety message brought to you by www.TheShmuz.com. --- For a FREE The Shmuz car magnet go to: http://bit.ly/ShmuzMagnet Make this Purim different: - Listen for FREE to, "[Purim:] They Don't Make Anti-Semites Like They Used To (Shmuz #25)": http://bit.ly/1fnrmKf - Purim: The Story Behind The Story - gain clarity and understanding of Purim, as the story of the Megillah opens up in front of you: MP3 - http://bit.ly/PurimStoryMP3 CD Set - http://bit.ly/PurimStoryCD --This video is a parody of Metro Trains Melbourne's "Dumb Ways to Die". |
![]() Dumb ways to die - Just another parody cover
by Life of Yohan 3:00 - 3,321,854 views I can't stop watching the Dumb ways to die video. So i decided to make a parody of it. Hope you enjoy! I made this video 5 years ago hence the high squeaky voice. If you guys want to see something more recent, checkout my new cover and tell me if my voice has improved at least a little :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wfSuCLDA9w Subscibe ► https://bit.ly/YohanPerera Animated, Performed & Directed by Make Some Noise Backing track - Dumb ways to die by Tangerine Kitty (Karaoke) ________ LYRICS Stab your leg and wait until you're out of blood Pretend you're superman and stop a flood Go on without eating for 40 days Put a frag grenade right in your face Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Drink coke with a lot of Mentos Scratch your neck using dental floss Turn around and smell your own fart Interfere a dart game and get hit by a dart Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Stay naked in the Antarctic Eat wormy soil till you're sick meet a street boxer and pick a fight Go outside and try to pop a wheelie on a bike Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Bury yourself in a grave Try to sing the higher octaves Stick yourself to the road using glue i wonder whats this little red thing do Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Play video games that kills you in real life Run around the house and trip onto a knife Expose yourself to radiation Pretend your a hero and try to fly Hammer a nail into your head with the help of Thor Dumbest ways to die Dumbest ways to die Dumbest ways to die So many dumb So many dumb ways to die |
![]() Много идей (День студенческих отрядов)
by Your Animation 3:17 - 2,961,004 views Ролик, посвященный Дню студенческих отрядов (https://vk.com/rso_mooo). В ролике использована песня «Много идей» Вокал: Харисова Лариса Текст: Фатхуллин Роман Оригинальная музыка: Tangerine Kitty - Dumb Ways To Die Запись выполнена на студии звукозаписи «Muzzlab» (https://vk.com/muzzlab) Особая благодарность за помощь в работе над роликом Денису Андрееву и Алексею Ракитскому Производство: студия анимационных видеороликов «Your Animation» (http://vk.com/your_animation) |