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Annoying Goose Rebooted 10: Gummy Bear Comes To Lunch
by Gumball

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Youtube Thumbnail The Gummy Bear Song - Long English Version
The Gummy Bear Song - Long English Version
by icanrockyourworld
2:43 - 1,817,450,692 views

SHOP at http://www.GUMMYBEARSHOP.com
Subscribe to my real channel at http://www.youtube.com/gummybearintl

From the CD "I Am Your Gummy Bear".
Also from the DVD "I Am A Gummy Bear".
Available on Amazon at: http://tinyurl.com/gummybeardvd
Shirts and merch - http://www.gummytees.com

Available on iTunes at: http://tinyurl.com/itunesgummybear
Available on Amazon at: http://tinyurl.com/gummybearcd

GUMMIBÄR T-SHIRTS AND MERCH: http://imagummybear.spreadshirt.com

Sign up for the Gummibär mailing list to win great prizes! - http://www.gummibar.net/newsletter

PLAY GUMMIBÄR (THE GUMMY BEAR) GAME: http://www.gummybeargame.com

VISIT ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/funnygummy

FOLLOW ON TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/imagummybear

VISIT ON MYSPACE: http://www.myspace.com/funnygummy

FOLLOW ON PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/imagummybear

SEND A GUMMIBÄR ECARD: http://www.funnygummy.com

GUMMIBÄR JAPAN: http://www.gummybear.jp

OSITO GOMINOLA: http://www.ositogominola.mx

The original 30 second video for Itt Van A Gumimaci, the Hungarian version of I Am A Gummy Bear, debuted on the internet in August of 2006. It quickly went viral, gaining hundreds of thousands of views as the popularity of this catchy song and funny character increased and spread by word of mouth. A 30 second English version was then created which helped to increase the clip's popularity and views rocketed up into the millions. By the summer of 2007, the final full length 2:30 version was released and it has been gaining views and viewers ever since.

* I Am A Gummy Bear (The Gummy Bear Song) has been recorded in over 25 languages and has been released in more than 40 countries world-wide.

* Every day, the online videos for The Gummy Bear Song are watched more than 1 million times.

Chart Positions include:

# 1 Dance Singles Chart -- iTunes
# 1 Dance Ringtone Chart -- iTunes

Hot 100 Pop Singles Sales Chart
# 1 Dance Singles Chart -- iTunes

# 1 Pop Singles Chart iTunes

# 1 Pop Singles Chart iTunes
# 1 Pop Ringtones Chart iTunes

# 2 Pop Singles Sales Chart

# 2 Pop Singles Sales Chart

# 5 Pop Singles Sales Chart

# 8 Pop Singles Sales Chart (52 weeks in the Top 40)

Top 10 Pop Digital Downloads

# 1 Pop Ringtones Chart

# 1 Ringtone Download AOL & Vodaphone Charts

# 1 Pop Downloads Chart

# 1 Pop Downloads Chart

Sales Certification Awards Include:

Single Certified Gold

Single Certified Gold

Single Certified Gold

Single Certified Gold

Single Certified Gold
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Youtube Thumbnail Peppa Pig - Lunch (full episode)
Peppa Pig - Lunch (full episode)
by Peppa Pig Surprise
4:55 - 81,287,567 views

☆ Subscribe for more Learn With Peppa Pig videos: http://bit.ly/LearnWithPeppaPig
❤️ Watch latest videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPbaYVV5uHQ&list=PLinVG_AbsqohH6aJd3nsrIN4IV7waqsOR

Learn numbers/counting with Peppa Pig: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLinVG_Absqoh2ipo9EKmmeqHp23F74DtN
Learning colous/colors with Peppa Pig: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLinVG_Absqoh_8zKA9HYMDQ7qN052k0AM
Learn Alphabet/ABC with Peppa Pig: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLinVG_AbsqohDeTuZpkbUvKGG3lMxna6V
Peppa Pig Surprise Eggs:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmY4kdOH1tU&list=PLinVG_AbsqoiewXhpuAyJyjJAtm-hNLUE
Colouring with Peppa Pig:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQDAK4J3t1g&list=PLinVG_AbsqogTnl0cpHjduNcz8YUcZH56


Welcome to the Peppa Pig Surprise channel! Peppa Pig Surprise (Learning with Peppa Pig) is a place for learning, fun and games!We have created a world of Peppa with educational learning videos foe toddlers and young kids. Here at Peppa Pig Surprise channel, kids can be happy and smart! Watch Peppa Pig educational videos and learn numbers/counting, shapes and alphabet ABC with Peppa Pig! Looking to be more creative? Here at Peppa Pig Surprise channel you can learn how to draw, paint and colouring with Peppa Pig. Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe.

❤️ Watch the latest uploads here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
❤️ Watch Peppa Pig's most Popular videos here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...


Peppa is a loveable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her little brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. Peppa’s favourite things include playing games and music, learning animal sounds, dressing up, days out, shopping, holidays and jumping in muddy puddles. Her adventures always end happily with loud snorts of laughter.


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Junya1gou so many 356 chicky play at the same time neked woman awooga draw ha ha
gummy bear song and gummy bear g major and bgr to rgr and bgr to rgr Up to faster quadparison 4 Arekzhu squad mancing
20-100 char. required Let's Create Side by Sides - Sparta Remixes Side-by-Side 875 Klasky Csupo Meets More Many
really dont care what this is called dude, leave me alone dz and pory & Knuckles Gummy bear Song mix up Halloween vs Christmas