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![]() Spooky Month 4 - Deadly Smiles
by Sr Pelo 21:01 - 21,081,954 views The kids are happy to play games, but some fellows are not as happy as them. Real Ending - https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/826994 Soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l5nKehv-JA&list=PLE3nvXr1D_cei9v7cvDqt3G8bTK6Ucncz Voices Sad Guy & News man - Smuggers -https://twitter.com/SmuggedUp Happy Fella & Jaune - Lizzie Freeman -https://twitter.com/LizzieRFreeman Lila - Elsie Lovelock -https://twitter.com/ElsieLovelock Mr Wonder - P. M. Seymour -https://twitter.com/PatMSeymourVA Susie - Reina -youtube.com/c/REINAVT Happy Fella Doll - Metamania -https://twitter.com/Metamensa Rick & Male Actor - Zach Fuller -https://twitter.com/zachtothefuller Radford - Brandon Winckler -https://twitter.com/BWincklerVA Female Actor - ScrentNarcissist -https://twitter.com/SecretNarc Hobomen - Johnny Utah https://twitter.com/JohnnyUtahNG Ross, Kevin, Jack(Deputy) -ElusiveVA -https://twitter.com/ElusiveVA John & Thin Thief - Coffinjockey -https://twitter.com/Coffinjockey Roy & Fat Thief - Kellen Goff -https://twitter.com/kellengoff Robert - Coffee -https://twitter.com/JpegNetworks Skid, Pump & Frank - David Axel Music MasterSwordRemix -https://www.youtube.com/user/Triforce625 Sound Effects Strelok Animation Twisted Grim Gael Rice -https://twitter.com/GaelRice Sangury -https://twitter.com/soysangury Marco Cardenas -https://twitter.com/Mc_CardArt Alakamame -https://twitter.com/Alakamame Mr Blaz -https://twitter.com/mmrblaz Shunoox -https://twitter.com/Shunoox Bruno Higuera -https://twitter.com/BrunanosArt Eth Olvera -https://twitter.com/poisonjabs Mhuyo -https://twitter.com/Mhuyo Sben -https://twitter.com/Sben64 Brunano -https://twitter.com/BrunanosArt Ana Guerrero -https://twitter.com/Everyday_Anny Fernanda Cipriani -https://twitter.com/NEIITH525 Ami Guillén https://twitter.com/lemonteaflower Backgrounds Brian Zavala -https://twitter.com/Mizu_wolf Ana en Pijamans -https://twitter.com/ana_pijamas Ao Clover -https://twitter.com/_AoClover Carless -https://twitter.com/CarlesS_21 Sifyro -https://twitter.com/sifyro Beffen -https://twitter.com/BeffenM 3D Backgrounds Brian Zavala -https://twitter.com/Mizu_wolf Lofren -https://twitter.com/Lofren Credit Artist Vlurr -https://twitter.com/Vlurr143 _____________ -Subtittles- Sadly Youtube stop supporting the "community captions". if you want to contribute with the subtittles please send it to my email [.vtt .srt or sbv], add your name/nickname at the end (credits), I wont accept more subtitles of the same language unless the ones I have are not translated correctly, please check the subtitles on the animation, thank you for understanding _____________ If you want to react to the video, make a youtube poop, remix, use it for a clip in one of your videos or "dub" it for your country, for me, is 100%, just put the credits in the description (links for the original video), Help other creators with that as well. and Please, DO NOT REUPLOAD OR MONETIZE A COMPILATION WITH ANY VIDEO If you have any doubts please let me know. |