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The Park Workers VS Anti Pops And Random Enemies
by Regular Show MLP And Free Guy Fanatic

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Youtube Thumbnail Cars 2 (2011) Final Battle with healthbars (10K Subscribers Special)
Cars 2 (2011) Final Battle with healthbars (10K Subscribers Special)
by Casey Alhambra
4:40 - 1,296,840 views

Mater had already arrived at the pits when they tell him this, so he flees down the track while Lightning chases after him to apologize for his outburst in Tokyo. Finn apprehends Zündapp when he attempts to escape. The other lemons arrive and outnumber Finn, Holley, Mater, and Lightning, but they are soon rescued by the arrival of the other Radiator Springs residents. Mater and Lightning go to Buckingham Palace, where Mater exposes Axlerod as the mastermind behind the plot, proven after forcing him to disable the bomb. It is then revealed that the World Grand Prix was a cover-up by Axelrod to turn the world against Allinol and other alternative fuels, and he was also the one who was leaking oil in Tokyo, blaming Mater for it.

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