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Gummy bear 4 parison 3
by Adiel

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Youtube Thumbnail Nuki Nuki (The Nuki Song) Full Version Gummy Bear
Nuki Nuki (The Nuki Song) Full Version Gummy Bear
by The Official Gummibär Channel
2:38 - 560,323,830 views

Nuki Nuki (The Nuki Song) music video by Gummibär aka Osito Gominola, Ursinho Gummy, Gumimaci, Funny Bear, The Gummy Bear, etc. From the album La La Love To Dance.

Visit Gummibär at http://www.thegummybear.com
Available on iTunes - http://tinyurl.com/lalaloveitunes
Available on Amazon - http://tinyurl.com/lalalovecd
SHOP at http://www.gummybearshop.com

Full length version of "Nuki Nuki (The Nuki Song)" by Gummibär! From the DVD "I Am A Gummy Bear - The Gummibär Video Collection" which features 12 videos and full lyrics in a sing along songbook.

Gummibär DVD available on Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/gummybeardvd

Also from the Gummibär album "La La Love To Dance".

La La Love To Dance, the second album from internationally acclaimed animated superstar Gummibär, is loaded with 16 new songs and 3 bonus tracks of rare remixes. YouTube hit Nuki Nuki (The Nuki Song) is included, as well as 12 original songs, and 3 fun covers.

Sign up for the Gummibär mailing list to win great prizes! - http://www.thegummybear.com/newsletter

PLAY GUMMIBÄR (THE GUMMY BEAR) GAME: http://www.gummybeargame.com

VISIT ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/funnygummy

FOLLOW ON TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/imagummybear

FOLLOW ON PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/imagummybear

Everyone's favorite animated dancing and singing gummy bear!
Accept no imitations!
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Youtube Thumbnail La La La I Love You - Gummibär - The Gummy Bear
La La La I Love You - Gummibär - The Gummy Bear
by The Official Gummibär Channel
2:47 - 330,842,182 views

La La La I Love You music video by Gummibär aka Osito Gominola, Ursinho Gummy, Gumimaci, Funny Bear, The Gummy Bear, etc.
Available on iTunes - http://tinyurl.com/lalaloveitunes
Available on Amazon - http://tinyurl.com/lalalovecd
Shirts and merch - http://www.gummytees.com

La La La I Love You from the Gummibär album "La La Love To Dance".

La La Love To Dance, the second album from internationally acclaimed animated superstar Gummibär, is loaded with 16 new songs and 3 bonus tracks of rare remixes. YouTube hit Nuki Nuki (The Nuki Song) is included, as well as 12 original songs, and 3 fun covers.

Also from Gummibär:
Gummibär Game App: http://tinyurl.com/gummygameapp
Play Gummibär (The Gummy Bear) Game: http://www.gummybeargame.com
Shop the Gummibär Merch Store: http://www.zazzle.com/imagummybear
Gummibär on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/funnygummy
Gummibär on MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/funnygummy
Send a Gummibär eCard: http://www.funnygummy.com
Follow Gummibär on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/imagummybear
Gummibär Japan: http://www.gummybear.jp

Everyone's favorite animated dancing and singing gummy bear!
Accept no imitations! :)
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