by JustKiddingFilms 4:31 - 3,947,249 views Handsome Style VS. Nuoc Mam Style? It doesn't matter! Whether you're Korean or Vietnamese or any other Asian, no one's going to care once they see you bust a move. JK style! BLOOPERS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEU3fZPSKNU GAMER CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/JustKiddingGamer NEWS CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/JustKiddingNews GEO's CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/GeovannaAntoinette BART's CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/bartkwan JOE's CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/theuncochin WEBSITE: http://www.justkiddingfilms.net MERCHANDISE: http://www.justkiddingfilms.bigcartel.com TWITTER: http://twitter.com/JKFilms FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/JustKiddingFilms TUMBLR: http://justkiddingfilms.tumblr.com/ Special Thanks: Olivia Thai http://www.youtube.com/user/oliviatsings http://www.musiquemusic.com David So https://twitter.com/#!/davidsocomedy http://www.youtube.com/user/DavidSoComedy Sergio "Sexy Sax Man" Flores http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-sexy-sax-man/id491627662?mt=8 https://twitter.com/sexysaxman https://www.facebook.com/thesexysaxman Holly Lee https://twitter.com/HollyxLee http://www.facebook.com/hollyxlee Instagram: @hollyxlee http://hollyxlee.tumblr.com/ Beat By Nine Diamond http://www.youtube.com/user/ninediamond The Yard Muay Thai http://theyardmuaythai.com/ Vinh's Hair Salon http://www.yelp.com/biz/vinh-hair-salon-alhambra KT Café http://www.yelp.com/biz/kt-cafe-monterey-park Credits: Creative Minds: Joe Jo (@joverdose) & Bart Kwan (@bartkwan) Director- Casey Chan (@chanmanprod) Director of Photography- Casey Chan (@chanmanprod) & Daniel Kwan (@danielkwan1) Editor- Casey Chan (@chanmanprod) Assistant Director- Joe Jo (@joverdose) Producer- Anh Nguyen (@Anh_Nguyen_) Behind-The-Scenes- Kevin Chan (@chanterpise) Production Assistant- Tommy Trinh (@TomTTrinh) Lyrics: Du ma nouc mam style, nouc man style (mother F*&ker fish sauce style) Vietnamese food is like the best wherever you go Coffee is like the crazy café su dah is the mucho Your mommy daddy brother all wish that they was the uncle Do the dance dance jiggle jiggle! Mother asshole man! We do dance and then romancing Mother asshole man! Siracha for the spicy spicy Mother asshole man! Do-the-get-a-good-grade on your test Mother asshole man! Disco dancing man! I like to dancing to stay the healthy, I exercise (Yea!) Why you surprised? I do the push up, and then the sit up Do the one (go!), and then the two (go!) and then the three four put the eggroll in your mouth.... Du ma nouc mam style, Nouc mam style Du du du du du ma nouc mam style Nouc mam style, du du du du du ma nouc mam style Hey! Mother Asshole! Du du du du du ma nouc mam style Hey! Mother Asshole! Du du du du du ma nouc mam style Mother packer you know this song is a Korean? You stupid Vietnamese try to copy the Korean? How dare you try to steal, a swagger of Korean! New flash dirty Asian not Korean! Mother f*cker man! We have the style to make you smile Mother f*cker man! We are the beautiful old men Mother f*cker man! We are the number one men Mother f*cker man! Very handsome man! I know you want me I am so sexy I know (Yo!) Ask David So (yo!) Im like a tiger up in a jungle like to GROAR! (Roar!) I like to GROAR (Roar!) Like a kim chi in a bottle so special! oh oh oh oh... Oppa Handsome style, Handsome style Op Op op op Oppa Handsome style, Handsome style Op Op op Op Oppa Handsome style Hey! Mother F*cker! Op Op op Op Oppa Handsome style Hey! Mother F*cker! Op Op op Op Oppa Handsome style We the Asian too, you're not the only dudes They think we're all Chinese so what the hell you want to do? Dirty Asian here, I think he's maybe right There is no need to fight because we look alike! Du ma nouc mam style! Hey Mother asshole! Du du du du du ma nouc mam style Hey Mother f*cker! Op Op op op Oppa Handsome style |
![]() PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(강남스타일) M/V
by officialpsy 4:12 - 3,437,862,769 views PSY - ‘I LUV IT’ M/V @ https://youtu.be/Xvjnoagk6GU PSY - ‘New Face’ M/V @https://youtu.be/OwJPPaEyqhI PSY - 8TH ALBUM '4X2=8' on iTunes @ https://smarturl.it/PSY_8thAlbum PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(강남스타일) on iTunes @ http://smarturl.it/PsyGangnam #PSY #싸이 #GANGNAMSTYLE #강남스타일 More about PSY@ http://www.psypark.com/ http://www.youtube.com/officialpsy http://www.facebook.com/officialpsy http://twitter.com/psy_oppa https://www.instagram.com/42psy42 http://iTunes.com/PSY http://sptfy.com/PSY http://weibo.com/psyoppa http://twitter.com/ygent_official |
![]() PSY - GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) M/V (Peter Chao Parody) - CANTON STYLE
by peterchao 4:01 - 3,281,145 views AVAILABLE ON iTunes! http://bit.ly/cantonstyle This is a PARODY of PSY- GANGNAM STYLE (강남스타일) M/V by Peter Chao called CANTON STYLE. Please enjoy and share with friends! Directed by Matt Dennison - http://www.youtube.com/ifockinghatethat Video Produced by Jason Burkart Director of Photography Van Dinh Dancers Arranged by Andrew Pham - http://www.youtube.com/quadrisaurustv Film Equipment Provided by http://www.camerarentalsvancouver.com Tweet this! FB this! Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pyrobooby Follow me on Keek: http://www.keek.com/peterchao Follow me on Instagram: @peterchao Buy my T-SHIRTS! http://www.districtlines.com/pyrobooby "Chao Outside" Tee ONLY $9.99! Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PeterChaoFans |
![]() Gangnam Style Minecraft
by TheVals02 4:37 - 7,823,663 views ▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼ Voici une vidéo caricaturale d'une des chansons du chanteur PSY: Gangnam Style, sauf avec une petit amélioration, en version MINECRAFT. Bonne vidéo à tous ! ▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼▬▼ |
![]() POCOYO GANGNAM STYLE HD (Baile del Caballo)
by Juan Carlos Carrión 3:42 - 137,654,650 views EL BAILE DEL CABALLO HD estilo de Pocoyó y sus amigos, muy divertido, espero les guste una pequeña edición que le hice. Agradezco sus comentarios.... Las imágenes y música tienen derechos reservados de los respectivos autores. Sin embargo cabe indicar que este video es de índole informal y editado para a quienes nos gusta ver este personaje y más con esta canción. En algunos paises puede que tenga restricción de audio o video por políticas de copyrigth, esperemos no lo eliminen. Hasta entonces disfrutenlo! |
![]() Deadpool vs Gangnam Style | PSY Parody
by D Piddy 4:03 - 56,980,802 views Deadpool rides an invisible horse. SUBSCRIBE TO D-PIDDY :: https://www.youtube.com/dpiddy?sub_confirmation=1 Main Channel :: https://youtube.com/dpiddy Second Channel :: https://youtube.com/dpiddy2 Twitch :: https://twitch.tv/dpiddy_ TikTok :: https://tiktok.com/@dpiddy Twitter :: https://twitter.com/_dpiddy Instagram :: https://instagram.com/_dpiddy __________ D-Piddy as Deadpool Editing: D-Piddy Camera: Chris Cayabyab, Evisari Fagel, Samie Samonte Music: PSY - Gangnam Style SPECIAL THANKS: Comics vs Toys (https://www.comicsvstoys.com) Bane Armstrong (https://goo.gl/lwKPF) Brian Ngo Jesse Nguyen ORIGINAL: PSY - Gangnam Style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 __________ #deadpool #psy #parody |