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Too many bfdi auditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Swaysway in the YouTube

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Youtube Thumbnail BFDI Auditions, but edited by Meatballmars #5 (check desc.)
BFDI Auditions, but edited by Meatballmars #5 (check desc.)
by Meatballmars2002
1:22 - 1,628,019 views

Please, consider subscribing to my channel immediately. Also, what does it have to do with Steven Universe in this video anyway?

Yep, another one.

Note: ignore some errors in this.

8-Ball as Film Clapper
Balloony as °Д°
Barf Bag as Glass of Milk
Basketball as Rugby Ball
Bell is Now Rusty & Old
Bomby as Crystal Ball
Dictionary/Book as Bookmark
Clock as Level Slider
Cloudy as No Entry Sign to Name Badge
David as Henry Stickman
Dora as The Tape Player from Baldi's Basics
Eggy as a Door Getting NoSquee'd
Evil Leafy as Ping
Fanny as Pager
Fries as Popcorn Pot
Grassy as Candy
Marker as Cucumber
Naily as Meat on a Bone
Nickel as Peach
Nonexisty as The Picture from Baldi's Basics
Pie as Biohazardy/Biohazard Guy
Pillow as Honey Pot
Remote as Wii-mote
Robot Flower as Laptop
Roboty as Jack-O-Lantern
Ruby as Garnet
Saw as Poultry Leg
Taco as Shaved Ice
Tree as Burrito
TV as Desktop
Announcer But Halloween Themed
The Sky, Ground & TLC is Halloween Themed too

Note: Like and subscribe.

Social links:
Check out my 2nd account https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCws__S7ucwED9c12oZF3k-w
Check out my 3rd account https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNume_EMIMH-cblw3m-NcLw
Follow my Soundcloud account https://soundcloud.com/meatballmars755
Follow my Roblox account https://www.roblox.com/users/210291329/profile -Note: Unreasonable friend requests from unknown individuals cannot be accepted, but only my real friends can.
Follow my Twitter account https://twitter.com/MPerson2002
Join my Discord server https://discord.gg/z6hpcGB
Watch my DeviantArt account https://www.deviantart.com/meatballgaming
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