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by Agatha The Object Thingy/TheHDSpartan

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Youtube Thumbnail 360 Video Roller Coaster VR HD Gummy Bear Candy Coaster Animated
360 Video Roller Coaster VR HD Gummy Bear Candy Coaster Animated
by The Official Gummibär Channel
3:04 - 37,367,580 views

Ride with Gummibär the gummy bear on a fun and colorful animated 360 video roller coaster through a wonderful world of CANDY! Instructions below:

This 360 animated video allows Gummibär fans to visit the virtual reality world of their favorite animated YouTube character. The video takes the viewer on a fun roller coaster ride, alongside Gummibär, through a wonderful world of candy. The video can be viewed on YouTube on computers, iOS devices, and Android devices. There are several ways to experience this 360 roller coaster ride:

1. Viewing this video on a mobile device on the YouTube App will allow you to change the camera view by simply holding your device sideways, and physically moving it to change the position of the camera.

2. Viewing this video via its watch page on a computer, you may use the arrows in the top left corner or click and drag the screen itself to move the camera around.

3.Viewing the video with virtual reality goggles will submerge you into Gummibär’s world and will enhance your viewing experience. Simply select the icon that looks like goggles and follow the instructions to render your experience for a VR headset. Make sure the video playback is in HD for the best possible experience.

Official Gummibär WEBSITE - http://www.thegummybear.com
The Gummibär SHOP - http://www.gummybearshop.com

Sign up for the Gummibär mailing list to WIN GREAT PRIZES! - http://www.gummibar.net/newsletter

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/funnygummy
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/imagummybear
PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/imagummybear
Youtube Thumbnail The Annoying Orange 3: TOE-MAY-TOE
The Annoying Orange 3: TOE-MAY-TOE
by Dane Boe
2:12 - 48,974,720 views

➤ Watch more Annoying Orange ▸ http://bit.ly/1JkgprN
➤ AO GAMING CHANNEL! ▸ http://bit.ly/AOGaming
➤ Don't be an apple! Subscribe! It's FREE! ▸ http://bit.ly/AOSub

FREE Version of Annoying Orange Kitchen Carnage:
iTUNES: http://bit.ly/AOKitchenCarnageLite
ANDROID: http://bit.ly/KCLiteGoogle

The Annoying Orange returns to annoy a tomato.

AO TOYS! http://bit.ly/AOToys
T-SHIRTS: http://jcp.is/AOinJCP
iPHONE iPOD GAME: http://bit.ly/KitchenCarnage
iPAD GAME: http://bit.ly/KitchenCarnageHD
ANDROID GAME: http://bit.ly/qqDmRi

TWITTER: http://twitter.com/annoyingorange
FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/annoyingorange
FACEBOOK APP: http://apps.facebook.com/realannoyingorange/

WATCH ALL MY EPISODES: http://bit.ly/AOPlaylist

DANEBOE: http://youtube.com/daneboe
DANEBOE GAMING CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/superboebros
DANEBOE 2ND CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/user/gagfilms

► SEND MAIL TO: 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd #428 Sierra Madre, CA 91024
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