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TAWOG VS MLP VS SML VS BFB Sparta Remixes 16parison 1
by Michael

This set has accumulated 414 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail Sparta Quadparison BFB Edition
Sparta Quadparison BFB Edition
by BlueSpartan
2:13 - 2,417 views

Here are all of the sources
1.Fanny - "Why did you lie to us, Loser?" [Sparta Disgrace Remix]
2.(BFB) 'Brake At Flake' - Sparta Madhouse SFP Edition Remix
3.[BFB 6] Lollipop: "What else is new?" - Sparta Metro RMTB Remix
4.Pencil - "I got it!" [Sparta Emanation JE Mix]
Credit to everyone who own these sparta remixes and Credit to jacknjellify for BFB
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