EVERY Intel Animation (1971-2013) ALL!
by Flake Songs 5:11 - 4,423,860 views Here's a lot of Intel animations, arranged by date. There are three of them that are fake (the first 2 ones and the first Pentium D animation), however the rest are real. Some of these aren't senn by many people, so be prepared. I do not own the videos. |
Intel Logo History in G Major 4(FIXED)
by TheGlebEffector is back! 5:11 - 87,903 views Request by RJ Kumar the effect. I own nothing. Fixed for TheFlippyEffects999. |
Intel Logo History Enhanced With CoNfUsIoN
by Gleb effects here. 5:11 - 108,719 views Request by Megan Woodmansee and InfiniteVideoEffects135HD the effect. I own nothing. |
Intel Logo History in G Major 4 And CoNfUsIoN
by Gleb effects here. 5:11 - 317,259 views Request by Alin Tecsan the effect. I own nothing. |
Intel Logo History in Luig Group Effect
by TheGlebEffector is back! 5:11 - 84,817 views Request by Lazy Butterfly the effect. I own nothing. |