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Live news on Ukraine Invasion

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Youtube Thumbnail Russia invades Ukraine LIVE | DW News livestream | Headline news from around the world
Russia invades Ukraine LIVE | DW News livestream | Headline news from around the world
by DW News
158321:55 - 87,640,214 views

DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
Exciting reports and interviews from the worlds of politics, business, sports, culture and social media are presented by our DW anchors in 15-, 30- and 60-minute shows.
Correspondents on the ground and experts in the studio deliver detailed insights and analysis of issues that affect our viewers around the world. We combine our expertise on Germany and Europe with a special interest in Africa and Asia while keeping track of stories from the rest of the world.
Informative, entertaining and up-to-date – DW News, connecting the dots for our viewers across the globe.

Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster. We convey a comprehensive image of Germany, report events and developments, incorporate German and other perspectives in a journalistically independent manner. By doing so we promote understanding between cultures and peoples.

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