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Annoying Goose Storybots Well Final
by lyfen just me with the golden man

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Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter W, "Wonderful W" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter W, "Wonderful W" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:20 - 3,834,282 views

The StoryBots celebrate how wonderful the letter "W" is, and sing about wagons, wands, and waffles!
The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Welcome to the wonderful world
Of the letter W

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

The Wizard is waving a wand

The Walrus is waxing his wagon

The whale is wearing a wig

And the worm goes wiggle waggle woggle

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

Let's watch the werewolf wallpaper his windmill
Where is that woodpecker going with my washing machine?
That's weird

W, W, Wonderful W

The wallaby winds up his watch
As waitress whistles for the waffles and whipped cream

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

Oh wow!
That was wild
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter X, "Extraordinary X" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter X, "Extraordinary X" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:31 - 2,673,865 views

The StoryBots celebrate how extraordinary the letter "X" is, and sing about Texas, foxes, and saxophones!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

X marks the spot
Where we will hear a song about the letter X

Extraordinary X, X, X
Extraordinary X (X), X (X), X
It's extraordinary

X marks the spot where the fox lives
(Hello, fox.)

X marks the guy playing saxophone (saxophone riff)
X marks the blob where the wax spilled, oh no! (Oh-oh!)
X marks the Tyrannosaurus Rex's home (roar)

Extraordinary X (X), X (X), X
It's extraordinary

Are you excited about our expedition to the state of Texas?
Extremely! I hear there will be a tuxedo exhibit.

X marks the ox (ox) sitting on his treasure box (box)
X marks the taxi going down the road (beep beep)

Extraordinary X (X), X (X), X
Extraordinary X, X, X

We have now examined
The letter X
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter R, "Are You Ready For R" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter R, "Are You Ready For R" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:22 - 3,908,699 views

The StoryBots celebrate how rockin' the letter "R" is, and sing about rockets, reindeer, and ravioli!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Are you ready to rock
With the letter R

Are you ready for R?
Are you ready for R?

Are you ready for a rocket ride?

Are you ready for a regiment of rhinoceroses to rumble through your yard?

Are you ready for R?
Are you ready for R?

Are you ready to row your boat?

Are you ready for a roomful of reindeer?

Are you ready for R?

When you're rolling
I'm rolling
down the road on your roller skates

When you're racing
I'm racing
down the river in your rubber raft

Do you remember the raccoon riding in the rickshaw?
Why, yes. I recall he was eating ravioli.

Are you ready for R?

We're ready for R

Are you ready for the rodeo?


Are you ready to reach out for a rainbow?

Are you ready for R?

We are

Are you ready for R?

We are

Are you ready for R?

I really enjoyed those rhymes
Yes, I will give them a good rating
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter S, "Say Yes To S" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter S, "Say Yes To S" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:15 - 3,532,338 views

The StoryBots celebrate how super the letter "S" is, and sing about soap, sharks, and spaghetti!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

We will now sing a special song
About the letter S

Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S
So many super letters
S is one of the best

You've gotta Shout it and sing it
You're sure to have success

Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S

Squids and Squirrels
And saucy spaghetti
Sauerkraut and sardines

Smiles and Socks
And soggy salamanders
Sprinkles and submarines

Somebody spilled spinach-dip on my sport coat
That sparrow looks suspicious

Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S
Say Yes To S

Oh yes!

The sound coming out of the speaker
Was quite satisfactory
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter Y, "Try Y" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter Y, "Try Y" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:21 - 4,055,910 views

The StoryBots celebrate how cool the letter "Y" is, and sing about yogurt, yachts, and yams!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Stop yawning. Here is a song about the letter Y.

Y plus A, plus Y

equals Yay!

Say Yay, Say Yay, for Y


Yoyos and yogurt

And yoga instructors

Say Yay, Say Yay, for Y






The Yak yanked on the yellow yarn and pulled the yeti off of his yacht.


You eat yams

And Yorkshire pudding

Say Yay, Say Yay, for Y


Say Yay, Say Yay, for Y


Say Yay, Say Yay, for Y


I'm right here; there is no need to yell.
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