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Discovery Kids Shows 1997-2002 At Same Time
by Daniel Paoli

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Youtube Thumbnail Bob the Builder Classics | Pilchard in a Pickle | Season 1 Ep 1 | Mega Machines
Bob the Builder Classics | Pilchard in a Pickle | Season 1 Ep 1 | Mega Machines
by WildBrain Mega Machines
10:08 - 2,423,449 views

Bob's pet cat Pilchard goes missing.
Wendy cannot find Pilchard anywhere and begins to panic.
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These episodes are hosted on MEGA Machines, the number one channel for cars, trucks, lorries, excavators, loaders, cranes, graders, diggers, sports cars, buses, convertibles and MANY MORE building machinery! This cool channel is all you need to learn about how machines are made, who uses them and what they look like!

Featuring, Dr. Mac Wheelie, Leo the Inquisitive Truck, Max the Excavator, Max the Excavator | Carousel and many more! Come and explore with the MEGA Machines YouTube Channel for kids today!

Why not check out some of our other content on our MEGA Machines?

Brum | Early Learning Episodes

Leo The Inquisitive Truck

Dr. Mac Wheeley | Car Series

Max The Excavator // Carousel

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