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Backyardigans First Episode With Season 1 To 4 At Same Time
by t Same Time

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Youtube Thumbnail The Backyardigans: Pirate Treasure - Ep.1
The Backyardigans: Pirate Treasure - Ep.1
by The Backyardigans - Official
24:20 - 10,809,566 views

X marks the spot on this reggae-style pirate adventure. In two pirate teams, the kids sail the high seas in search of treasure. Who will find it first? And who will walk the plank?

SUBSCRIBE to The Backyardigans - Official channel: http://goo.gl/W3mRFb

For more of your favorite shows and full episodes SUBSCRIBE to Treehouse Direct: http://goo.gl/IsTLa7
Youtube Thumbnail The Backyardigans: Mission to Mars - Ep.21
The Backyardigans: Mission to Mars - Ep.21
by Treehouse Direct
24:19 - 5,205,514 views

TYRONE and TASHA are Mission Control specialists who send their intrepid astronauts UNIQUA, PABLO, and AUSTIN on a mission to find life on Mars.

Subscribe to Treehouse Direct for new clips, episodes, and more! http://goo.gl/IsTLa7
Youtube Thumbnail The Backyardigans: Who Goes There - Ep.41
The Backyardigans: Who Goes There - Ep.41
by Treehouse Direct
24:19 - 6,731,000 views

AUSTIN, PABLO, and UNIQUA are museum art pieces that come alive at night. When Curator TASHA leaves rookie security guard TYRONE alone in the museum to guard the “art” one fateful night, he embarks on an outrageous adventure as he chases the suddenly animate art in and out of paintings and all over the museum. Can Tyrone corral the art and restore order to the museum before Tasha returns in the morning?

Subscribe to Treehouse Direct for new clips, episodes, and more! http://goo.gl/IsTLa7
Youtube Thumbnail The Backyardigans: Robot Rampage (Part 1) - Ep.61
The Backyardigans: Robot Rampage (Part 1) - Ep.61
by Treehouse Direct
22:07 - 8,295,622 views

Austin is the best robot repairman in Mega City, a futuristic metropolis where robots do everything. There's just one thing about being a robot repairman --- the robots in Mega City never, ever break! But one day, that all changes as robot after robot, all over Mega City, have complete breakdowns. With his ever-reliable assistant, Robot Roscoe, and the outraged citizens of Mega City (Uniqua, Tyrone and Tasha), Austin must try to figure out who sent all the robots in town on a rampage. Could it be the work of that evil genius, professor Bug (Pablo)?

Subscribe to Treehouse Direct for new clips, episodes, and more! http://goo.gl/IsTLa7
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