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by Mark Storybots

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Youtube Thumbnail "Sing the Alphabet" - Busy Beavers, ABC Song, Kids Learning Nursery Song, Teach Phonics
"Sing the Alphabet" - Busy Beavers, ABC Song, Kids Learning Nursery Song, Teach Phonics
by Busy Beavers - Kids Learn ABCs 123s & More
2:03 - 24,725,842 views

Learn to Sing the ABC Alphabet with this Fantastically Cute, Catchy Tune with Colorful Animation and Funny Letter Characters. This great Educational Resource from Busy Beavers teaches kids to Sing the Alphabet with a catchy melody that's different from all the others. It's More Fun!

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Think you're pretty good at Singing the Alphabet? Have you ever tried to Sing it Backwards?
Try this: http://bit.ly/Alphabet-Backwards

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Since 2006 Busy Beavers have been making Safe, Engaging, Educational Videos, Textbooks & DVDs used in Classrooms all over the World. We have been a YouTube Partner since 2009 with over 3 Billion Views. You can trust your Children with our Simple, Educational, Original Videos.

Busy Beavers focus on core Toddler learning concepts like the Alphabet, Counting, Colors, Shapes & healthy habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating vegetables & wholesome family activities like playing outside together.
Our Videos are always educational & safe for children to watch on their own or with parents, grandparents & teachers singing along.


Spotify: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers
Apple Music: https://bit.ly/Busy-Beavers-iTunes
YouTube Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/busybeavers

If you are a Parent or Teacher of Young Learners, Daycare or Kindergarten Teacher, Teaching ESL English Students, English as a Foreign Language Teacher or Teaching Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Difficulties such as Delayed Speech we'd love to recommend our Educational Streaming Website:

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