by JustKiddingFilms 4:31 - 3,947,249 views Handsome Style VS. Nuoc Mam Style? It doesn't matter! Whether you're Korean or Vietnamese or any other Asian, no one's going to care once they see you bust a move. JK style! BLOOPERS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEU3fZPSKNU GAMER CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/JustKiddingGamer NEWS CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/JustKiddingNews GEO's CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/GeovannaAntoinette BART's CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/bartkwan JOE's CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/theuncochin WEBSITE: http://www.justkiddingfilms.net MERCHANDISE: http://www.justkiddingfilms.bigcartel.com TWITTER: http://twitter.com/JKFilms FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/JustKiddingFilms TUMBLR: http://justkiddingfilms.tumblr.com/ Special Thanks: Olivia Thai http://www.youtube.com/user/oliviatsings http://www.musiquemusic.com David So https://twitter.com/#!/davidsocomedy http://www.youtube.com/user/DavidSoComedy Sergio "Sexy Sax Man" Flores http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-sexy-sax-man/id491627662?mt=8 https://twitter.com/sexysaxman https://www.facebook.com/thesexysaxman Holly Lee https://twitter.com/HollyxLee http://www.facebook.com/hollyxlee Instagram: @hollyxlee http://hollyxlee.tumblr.com/ Beat By Nine Diamond http://www.youtube.com/user/ninediamond The Yard Muay Thai http://theyardmuaythai.com/ Vinh's Hair Salon http://www.yelp.com/biz/vinh-hair-salon-alhambra KT Café http://www.yelp.com/biz/kt-cafe-monterey-park Credits: Creative Minds: Joe Jo (@joverdose) & Bart Kwan (@bartkwan) Director- Casey Chan (@chanmanprod) Director of Photography- Casey Chan (@chanmanprod) & Daniel Kwan (@danielkwan1) Editor- Casey Chan (@chanmanprod) Assistant Director- Joe Jo (@joverdose) Producer- Anh Nguyen (@Anh_Nguyen_) Behind-The-Scenes- Kevin Chan (@chanterpise) Production Assistant- Tommy Trinh (@TomTTrinh) Lyrics: Du ma nouc mam style, nouc man style (mother F*&ker fish sauce style) Vietnamese food is like the best wherever you go Coffee is like the crazy café su dah is the mucho Your mommy daddy brother all wish that they was the uncle Do the dance dance jiggle jiggle! Mother asshole man! We do dance and then romancing Mother asshole man! Siracha for the spicy spicy Mother asshole man! Do-the-get-a-good-grade on your test Mother asshole man! Disco dancing man! I like to dancing to stay the healthy, I exercise (Yea!) Why you surprised? I do the push up, and then the sit up Do the one (go!), and then the two (go!) and then the three four put the eggroll in your mouth.... Du ma nouc mam style, Nouc mam style Du du du du du ma nouc mam style Nouc mam style, du du du du du ma nouc mam style Hey! Mother Asshole! Du du du du du ma nouc mam style Hey! Mother Asshole! Du du du du du ma nouc mam style Mother packer you know this song is a Korean? You stupid Vietnamese try to copy the Korean? How dare you try to steal, a swagger of Korean! New flash dirty Asian not Korean! Mother f*cker man! We have the style to make you smile Mother f*cker man! We are the beautiful old men Mother f*cker man! We are the number one men Mother f*cker man! Very handsome man! I know you want me I am so sexy I know (Yo!) Ask David So (yo!) Im like a tiger up in a jungle like to GROAR! (Roar!) I like to GROAR (Roar!) Like a kim chi in a bottle so special! oh oh oh oh... Oppa Handsome style, Handsome style Op Op op op Oppa Handsome style, Handsome style Op Op op Op Oppa Handsome style Hey! Mother F*cker! Op Op op Op Oppa Handsome style Hey! Mother F*cker! Op Op op Op Oppa Handsome style We the Asian too, you're not the only dudes They think we're all Chinese so what the hell you want to do? Dirty Asian here, I think he's maybe right There is no need to fight because we look alike! Du ma nouc mam style! Hey Mother asshole! Du du du du du ma nouc mam style Hey Mother f*cker! Op Op op op Oppa Handsome style |
![]() "Minecraft Style" - A Parody of PSY's Gangnam Style (Music Video)
by CaptainSparklez 3:57 - 19,093,830 views Previous Episode ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnU5mnLTYLc&list=PL1C4ECC7E38737799&index=8 Next Episode ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwwl9jiJ1A4&index=10&list=PL1C4ECC7E38737799 Songs playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2rDbRUDkds&list=PL1C4ECC7E38737799 This is a reupload of a video that originally went up back in October of last year. Soon after it was posted, it was hit with a third party copyright claim that blocked the video from being viewable worldwide. Unfortunately, due to a YouTube bug, I've been unable to pursue a resolution. Although Gangnam Style may not be as much of a hot topic now as it was back when this first went up, this video is something that a lot of work went into, and for my own sense of closure I would still like for it to exist. I will still do what I can to restore the original upload, but for now, this will have to do. Any support on the video would be super awesome. Original description: Song Download: http://bit.ly/1hYMimE Credits: Vocals by TryHardNinja: http://www.youtube.com/user/TryHardNinja Modeling, rigging, and lead animation by Bootstrap Buckaroo: http://www.youtube.com/user/BootstrapBuckaroo Music produced by Approaching Nirvana, their album - http://bit.ly/Rw28HZ: http://www.youtube.com/user/ApproachingNirvana Supporting animation, written, directed, and produced by Jordan Maron http://www.youtube.com/user/CaptainSparklez The Jerry Farley - vocal production and editing Original song by PSY: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 Lyrics: Diggin' Minecraft Style Minecraft Style Diggin' a hole, just one more time until I score this Strike rich on diamonds, iron, gold and build our decked out fortress All we need is just a bit of luck to not abort this Runnin' low we can't afford this Dungeons under here Just the last time a group of creepers came out over there Blew up a vein of diamonds then chased us all out of there A spider army dropped down from the roof into our hair Ran back to fresh air This ain't your land, you're gonna get banned So you know, hey, When you plan to go, hey When you're diggin', you'd better listen So you know, hey, When they gonna show, hey, Makin' sure you're all prepared before you go Diggin' Minecraft style Minecraft style Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style Minecraft style Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style Ay, sexy piggy Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style Ay, sexy piggy Dig, dig, dig, dig Back on the ground we layin' redstone through the forest To wire our monster traps so all the zombies will ignore us We built this city block by block and we don't welcome tourists But they still come lookin' for us Like a sauna here We built a portal to the nether lava everywhere Zombie pigs and ghasts flyin' all around so tread with care Best you craft some armor and exchange that for the clothes you wear While you're under here Lava flowin', those lakes are glowin' Down below, hey You should probably go, hey But you're ready, your arms are steady, Grab your bow, hey Shoot the fatal blow, hey Run away now 'cause you missed you were too slow Diggin' Minecraft style Minecraft style Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style Minecraft style Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style Ayyyyyyyyyy sexy piggy Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style Ayyyyyyyyyy sexy piggy Dig, dig, dig, dig Dig some more Until you hit the core Diamonds, diamonds baby that's what we're all lookin' for Dig some more Until you hit the core When you find 'em baby then you know it's time to soar Ain't a game we're playin Diggin' Minecraft style Ay sexy piggy Dig, dig, dig, dig, diggin' Minecraft style Ay sexy piggy Dig, dig, dig, dig Diggin' Minecraft style |
by Jervy Hou 6:22 - 66,619,240 views DON'T MISS MY NEXT PRODUCTION! Follow me! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jervyhou Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jervyhou Instagram: http://www.instagram/jervyhou NOTE: The music in this parody video was created by Jervy Hou (channel owner) from scratch using royalty free samples and all his own original recordings. Lyrics were also written by Jervy Hou. Everything was completely reworked to sound nothing like the original. CREDITS: JERVY HOU The Gunman (Hero) Director Producer (Music & Video) Writer (Lyrics & Concept) Performing/Recording Artist Audio Engineer Editor Project Coordinator NATHAN MCGUIRE Camerman Helped me come up with a couple of funny ideas. VFX (Arrow to the knee) PATRICK STENBERG Stunt Man Fight Choreographer The Evil Ninja BRI HEART The Mirage Girl ERICA LAW The Bikini Girl KHANG NGUYEN The Outlaw JACKY V. The Damsel in Distress BUTHA HUOT The Elevator Man GREGORY M. LEWANSKI Chorus Man (Far Right) JAN P. LEWANSKI Chorus Man (Middle) ROBERT E. BRITTON Chorus Man (Far Left) GABBY NAVARO Beach Girl (Far Left) ASHLEY HARRISON Beach Girl (2nd from Left) KRISTI TEBAY Beach Girl (3rd from Left) HEATHER SMITH Beach Girl (Far Right) ERICKA GUITRON Girl w/ Bow and Arrow LYNNA HOU Girl w/ Apple On Her Head MONKLINGTON BAMF Monkey parody gunman music video official cover gun man jervy hou western lyrics karaoke instrumental dance original |
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![]() MIT Gangnam Style (MIT 강남스타일)
by MIT GangnamStyle 5:02 - 5,597,270 views - secondary link (for mobile): http://mobileyt.com/21678457.php - FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/MIT.GangnamStyle MIT Gangnam Style (MIT 강남스타일 패러디), Music by PSY + MIT Logs Inspired by PSY's GANGNAM STYLE: http://youtu.be/9bZkp7q19f0 Directed by Eddie Ha '13 Edited by Eddie Ha '13 Produced by Ingwon Chae '14 MIT PSY - Richard Yoon '13 and the Gangnam Style Crew + Camera Crew MIT Korean Students Association Featuring: Stu Schmill, Dean of Admissions; MIT Game Lab; MIT Tennis; Freshman Leadership Program; Korean Students Association; Amphibious Achievement; Sloan Business Club; OrigaMIT; MIT Pistol; MIT Pole Vaulting; Asian American Association; MIT Women's Soccer; MIT Swimming; Anime Club; MIT Cheerleading Squad; Professor Eric Lander; Tim the Beaver; Nu Delta; Glass Lab; Logarhythms; Dance Troupe; Department of Urban Studies and Planning; MIT Sailing; Chinese Students' Club; Quidditch Team; MIT-EMS; Lion Dance Club; Freshman Urban Program; South Asian American Students; Phi Beta Epsilon; Professor Noam Chomsky; Professor Donald Sadoway. |
![]() PSY - "Gangnam Style" (Hongdae Style) Parody by Trend Factory
by asdfghelimar 4:12 - 7,202,527 views * Gentleman cover: http://youtu.be/Y1A_lbPRl9E • Parodist » Trend Factory • Song Title & Artist » Gangnam Style by PSY |
![]() גמבה סטייל (Gangnam Style - הפארודיה העברית - The Hebrew Parody)
by Srutonim - שרוטונים 2:54 - 65,059,679 views אל תשכחו ללחוץ על הפעמון! הפארודיה העברית המצליחה ביותר לGangnam Style הפקה: שרוטונים תסריט ובימוי: יובל בינדר צילום: יובל מרום מנהל קריאטיב: ניב פועל מפיקים בפועל: טובל וסרשטיין ואור שבת שירה: יובל בינדר פלייבק: ADreamOfficial: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfD2sjAd2js3p_tfeoEwmXw עריכה: יובל בינדר, ירין אהרונוף וקובי חדור סטיילינג: ליאן פועל משתתפים: יובל בינדר, דפי אלון, ירדן קולר, תמר יוסף, טניה ירושלמי, עילאי אונגר, קארין ריי איירי, ירין אהרונוף, אור שבת, תומר מזרחי, אור ריזנמן, דור יתח, אלעד כהן, יובל בנדל, אלי ברוייר ונוי קליינר כוכב אורח: משה פרסטר תרגום לאנגלית: אורי דור כתוביות באנגלית: אליעד לוי תודות: חוות חניאל, שווארמה שמש, מועדון היאיא וכפיר אדלר _____________________________ טקטקו איתנו - https://www.tiktok.com/@srutonim שימו עוקב - https://www.instagram.com/srutonim תנו בלייק - https://www.facebook.com/srutonimIL האזינו בכל שירותי המוזיקה - http://srutonim.co.il/musicstores תביאו בסאב - https://www.youtube.com/user/srutonim?sub_confirmation=1 ערוץ הפרסומות - https://www.youtube.com/user/SrutonimADS?sub_confirmation=1 |
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