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by Mark Storybots

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Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter T, "Time For T" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter T, "Time For T" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:18 - 3,227,949 views

The StoryBots celebrate how terrific the letter "T" is, and sing about turtles, turkey, and tennis!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

It is time to tap our toes
To a tune about the letter T

When you see a turtle trying on a top -hat
You know it's time for T

And when you tippy-toe past a tiger eating toast
Well it's time for T

And you talk about a turkey on the tennis team
Yeah, it's time for T

There's a tarantula tasting a tangerine
Oh, it's time for T

It's time for T
It's time for T
It's time for T
Try it and you'll see
It's time for T
It's totally
Time for T

Take it away, StoryBots!

The tortoise is driving a taco truck

Time for T

And the toad on the trapeze is playing the trombone
Time for T

It's time for T
It's time for T
It's time for T
Try it and you'll see
It's time for T
It's totally
Time for T

Time for T
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter H, "Say Hello To Your Good Friend, H" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter H, "Say Hello To Your Good Friend, H" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:24 - 3,554,611 views

The StoryBots celebrate how friendly the letter "H" is, and sing about ham, hamsters, and hamburgers!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

The time is here to say hello
To the letter H

Say hi, say hey
Say howdy doo
Say hello to your good friend H
(to the letter H)

You can have a hearty breakfast with
Hash browns and Ham
When you're hanging out
(hanging out)
With your good friend H
(he's the letter H)

When you need a helping hand
H is your man
He's honest, hardworking, and handsome
Oh so handsome

Hey Hey!

Say hello to the hometown hamster honking on the harmonica
He hit his head on a hula hoop - hurry, he needs a hug
I hear that hedgehogs like hamburgers, ha ha

Say hello ( hello ) to your good friend H
Say hello ( hello ) to your good friend H
Say hello ( hello ) to your good friend H

Har-dee har har
The hootenanny was hilarious
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter Z, "I'll Be with Z" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter Z, "I'll Be with Z" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:22 - 5,385,437 views

The StoryBots celebrate how unique the letter "Z" is, and sing about zoos, zig-zags, and zucchini!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!


We are now entering the zone
Of the letter Z.

Z, Z, Z

I can visit the Zoo

Z, Z, Z

Zip a zipper too


I can zig zag through

Z, Z, Z...Z

Z, Z, Z

I can listen to jazz

Z, Z, Z

Dress with pizzaz


Show 'em the razzmatazz

Z, Z, Z...Z

At the end of the alphabet you'll find me.

Yes. That is where I'll be.

Right there with Z.

The zebra was flying a zeppelin while eating zucchini

I zoomed along a zip line all the way to Zanzibar


Z, Z, Z

A bee is buzzy

Z, Z, Z

A kitten is fuzzy

Z, Z, Z

I get donuts by the dozen

Z, Z, Z...Z

At the end of the alphabet you'll find me.

Yes. That is where I'll be.

Right there with Z.


That was amazing.
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter Q, "Question For Q" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter Q, "Question For Q" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:22 - 3,815,147 views

The StoryBots celebrate how cool the letter "Q" is, and sing about questions, quilts, and quarterbacks!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Our quest for knowledge
Has led us to the letter Q

Question For Q, Question for Q
Tell me have you got a question for Q?

What does a duck say? He says quack.

Who's that guy with the football? That's the quarterback.

What's this fancy blanket? That's called a quilt!

Why can't I catch the rabbit? Because he's really quick!

Question For Q, Question for Q
Tell me have you got a question for Q?

What is this little bird?
He is a quail.
A feather I can write with is called?
A quill.
What is this thing that you keep your arrows in?
It is called a Quiver.

Who's that lady in England? You must mean the Queen.

Why can I barely hear the radio? 'cause it's playing quietly.

Question For Q, Question for Q
Tell me have you got a question for Q?

This barbershop quartet is quite good.
Yes, they have a nice quality.
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter K, "K is Okay With Me" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter K, "K is Okay With Me" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:23 - 3,484,969 views

The StoryBots celebrate how cool the letter "K" is, and sing about ketchup, keyboards, and kale!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

The next key on the keyboard
Is the letter K

It's okay to be a kangaroo
It's okay to like ketchup, too
It's okay, see a koala bear up in the tree

K is okay is okay with me

It's okay to fly a kite up in the sky
It's okay to eat kale, (yum) , have try!
It's okay to unlock your door with a key

K is okay is okay with me

Kazoo solo!

I know Karate and several other Japanese words
Do these khaki pants match my kayak?

K is okay is okay with me

It's okay to play kick the ball
It's okay to be kind to your grandma
It's okay to snuggle with your kitty

K is okay is okay with me
It's okay with me!

That was some kooky kazoo
You are not kidding
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter E, "Everybody Has An E" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter E, "Everybody Has An E" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:23 - 4,720,158 views

The StoryBots celebrate how great the letter "E" is, and sing about electricity, elephants, and earthworms!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

We will now enjoy
an encounter with the letter E.

E, everybody has an E
He and she and me,
we all have an E, E

With E, we have electricity
Elephants and earthworms
Everything's easy with E

E is essential for your entertainment
Enjoy eating eggs on an escalator

We StoryBots are especially enthusiastic about electrical energy
Excuse me, but your elbow is in my ear
So sorry, that is an error

E, everybody has an E
He and she and me,
we all have an E, E

The song has ended
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter A, "Hooray For A" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter A, "Hooray For A" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:25 - 10,817,472 views

The StoryBots celebrate how amazing the letter "A" is, and sing about apples, antelopes, and anteaters!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

This is the part of the song
Where the StoryBots introduce the letter A

Hooray for A
A is amazing

Hooray for A
A's a big part of your day

Hooray for A
A can do almost anything

Hooray for A
A is A-okay

Hooray, Hooray,
Hooray, Hooray for A

I am a StoryBot and this is the part of the song where I talk about
the letter A
And we list things like apples and antelopes and anteaters and
other stuff like that

Hooray (hooray) for A (for A)
Hooray for A (hooray)
Hooray (hooray) for A (for A)
Hooray for A (hooray)

Hooray, Hooray,
Hooray, Hooray for A

And that is the end of the song

Music by Parry Gripp
Animation by StoryBots
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter W, "Wonderful W" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter W, "Wonderful W" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:20 - 3,834,282 views

The StoryBots celebrate how wonderful the letter "W" is, and sing about wagons, wands, and waffles!
The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Welcome to the wonderful world
Of the letter W

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

The Wizard is waving a wand

The Walrus is waxing his wagon

The whale is wearing a wig

And the worm goes wiggle waggle woggle

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

Let's watch the werewolf wallpaper his windmill
Where is that woodpecker going with my washing machine?
That's weird

W, W, Wonderful W

The wallaby winds up his watch
As waitress whistles for the waffles and whipped cream

W, W, Wonderful W
W, W, Wonderful W

Oh wow!
That was wild
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up to faster mega ultimate parison Skoda superb stage 2 Klasky Csupo Effects #1  Oh no
GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 20th Century Fox Spoof By QBION and Normal and G Major 4 and Confusion and G Major 4 Confusion :) press here please do it now
among us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Why God! Why god does this need be 20 characters long sml Up to faster 64parison
Klasky Csupo Effects (1080p) Combined Now and Forever/Violin Cover / RD violin/Richard Marx Annoying Goose StoryBots