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Object Mayhem 1-8 Episodes
by C Gonz

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Youtube Thumbnail Object Mayhem - Object Mayhem - Episode 1: ''Unusual But Good''
Object Mayhem - Object Mayhem - Episode 1: ''Unusual But Good''
6:59 - 397,974 views

Here it is, the first episode of Object Mayhem! Being the brother show to to Object Universe, Object Mayhem was made in the summer of 2012. It was originally released on the YouTube channel 'Kingsley2468' but due to that channel being shut down, it was revived on this channel (UltraToons). However, now you can watch the episode that started it all!

Voting ended on August 7th, 2012 on the original video.

Thanks to jacknjellify and AnimationEpic for the inspiration to make this object show.

Royalty Free Music By Kevin MacLeod.
Youtube Thumbnail Object Mayhem - Object Mayhem - Episode 2: ''Find it!''
Object Mayhem - Object Mayhem - Episode 2: ''Find it!''
5:59 - 264,804 views

Welcome to the second episode of Object mayhem!

Who will be eliminated? Will allies be made? Find out in this brand new episode of OBJECT MAYHEM!

All music provided by Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech.com
Youtube Thumbnail Object Mayhem: Robot Frenzy (Episode 3)
Object Mayhem: Robot Frenzy (Episode 3)
by UltraToons
7:02 - 527,058 views

You didn't think there was going to be another episode? Well guess again! Object mayhem is back with its third episode overall. Robo-tastic!

All music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/objectmayhem

WIKI: https://objectmayhem.fandom.com/wiki/Object_Mayhem_Wiki

SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMU48QHPjZqAcv9Z-3TZ2Q
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Youtube Thumbnail Object Mayhem: Chickens Can't Fly (Episode 8)
Object Mayhem: Chickens Can't Fly (Episode 8)
by UltraToons
6:33 - 647,137 views

Yup it's here, but short. Anyhow I hope you enjoy it.

Music by Kevin Macleod from Incompetech.com.

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/objectmayhem

WIKI: https://objectmayhem.fandom.com/wiki/Object_Mayhem_Wiki

SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMU48QHPjZqAcv9Z-3TZ2Q
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