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story bots abc song annoying goose 8 parsion
by Devin Ward

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Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter F, "F is Fun" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter F, "F is Fun" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:19 - 4,490,768 views

The StoryBots celebrate how fun the letter "F" is, and sing about ferris wheels, flowers, and french toast!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Follow us forward
As we focus on the letter F

Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
The letter F is fun
There's fourteen ferrets on a ferris wheel
The letter F is fun
There's a frog playing fiddle in farmer johns field
Free fried chicken is a really good deal
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
The letter F is fun


Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fun!


There was a fuzzy fox at the flower festival
I am fond of French toast with fruit topping
Far out!

Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
The letter F is fun
Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa
The letter F is fun
The letter F is fun
The letter F is fun

We are finished
That was fabulous
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter K, "K is Okay With Me" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter K, "K is Okay With Me" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:23 - 3,484,969 views

The StoryBots celebrate how cool the letter "K" is, and sing about ketchup, keyboards, and kale!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

The next key on the keyboard
Is the letter K

It's okay to be a kangaroo
It's okay to like ketchup, too
It's okay, see a koala bear up in the tree

K is okay is okay with me

It's okay to fly a kite up in the sky
It's okay to eat kale, (yum) , have try!
It's okay to unlock your door with a key

K is okay is okay with me

Kazoo solo!

I know Karate and several other Japanese words
Do these khaki pants match my kayak?

K is okay is okay with me

It's okay to play kick the ball
It's okay to be kind to your grandma
It's okay to snuggle with your kitty

K is okay is okay with me
It's okay with me!

That was some kooky kazoo
You are not kidding
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter H, "Say Hello To Your Good Friend, H" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter H, "Say Hello To Your Good Friend, H" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:24 - 3,554,611 views

The StoryBots celebrate how friendly the letter "H" is, and sing about ham, hamsters, and hamburgers!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

The time is here to say hello
To the letter H

Say hi, say hey
Say howdy doo
Say hello to your good friend H
(to the letter H)

You can have a hearty breakfast with
Hash browns and Ham
When you're hanging out
(hanging out)
With your good friend H
(he's the letter H)

When you need a helping hand
H is your man
He's honest, hardworking, and handsome
Oh so handsome

Hey Hey!

Say hello to the hometown hamster honking on the harmonica
He hit his head on a hula hoop - hurry, he needs a hug
I hear that hedgehogs like hamburgers, ha ha

Say hello ( hello ) to your good friend H
Say hello ( hello ) to your good friend H
Say hello ( hello ) to your good friend H

Har-dee har har
The hootenanny was hilarious
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter C, "Crazy For C" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter C, "Crazy For C" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:30 - 5,489,998 views

The StoryBots celebrate how crazy the letter "C" is, and sing about coconuts, crumpets, and chicken!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Calculating coordinates
For commencing contact with the letter C

I'm crazy for C
(he's crazy)
Crazy for C
(koo-koo crazy)
Come along with me
(come on)
And get crazy for C

I like coconuts
(so crazy)
And crabcakes, too
(when they're crunchy)
Corn on the cob,
And cantaloupe
And chicken cordon bleu

There's crackers
And crepes
And crawfish
And cream of wheat
(cream of wheat)

There's carrots
And cashews
And caramels
I'm crazy for C!

Continue craziness for C
My circuits computing crunch-ability of cookie
Nom Nom Nom Nom

I'm crazy for C
(he's crazy)
Crazy for C
(koo-koo crazy)
Come along with me
(come on)
And get crazy for C

There's cabbage
And custard
And crumpets
I'm crazy for C!

Conclusion confirmed
He has much craziness for the letter C

Music by Parry Gripp
Animation by StoryBots
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter N, "You Need an N" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter N, "You Need an N" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:26 - 5,109,345 views

The StoryBots celebrate how neat the letter "N" is, and sing about nachos, noodles, and neckties!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

We are now navigating
Near the letter N

When you want some nachos
And when you need a nap
And when you're visiting New Jersey

You need an N

And when you're eating noodles
And when you're sailing down the nile
And when you wear a necktie

You need an N


Nose hairs
Night lights
Name tags

I would like to note that I am a novice at needlepoint
Nonsense, I noticed that your needlepoint is very nice
Thank you!

And when you join the Navy
When you join the Navy
And when you're making noise
Make some noise
And when you're sneaking like a ninja
You need an N

Is there another verse to this song?
Negative. It is now time for the next one.
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter V, "Very V" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter V, "Very V" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:22 - 2,842,550 views

The StoryBots celebrate how very awesome the letter "V" is, and sing about volcanoes, vacations, and violins!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

Is the next song about the letter V?
Yes, I can verify that that is true.

The Viking he knocked over the vase
Then he volunteered to vacuum up the place

It was very (It was very)
It was very (It was very)
Very V

The vulture and viper they did go
On a vacation to the volcano

It was very (It was very)
It was very (It was very)
Very V

That's very V
The versatile vending machine dispenses vegetables and
vanilla ice cream.
This quite a variety

The vampire vroomed along in his van
Down through the valley to his volleyball camp

It was very (It was very)
It was very (It was very)
It was very (It was very)
Oh, it was very (It was very)
It was very (It was very)
It was very (It was very)

Very V

So very V

Your vocals on that last verse were very nice
Thank you. I value your complement.
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: The Letter T, "Time For T" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: The Letter T, "Time For T" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:18 - 3,227,949 views

The StoryBots celebrate how terrific the letter "T" is, and sing about turtles, turkey, and tennis!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

It is time to tap our toes
To a tune about the letter T

When you see a turtle trying on a top -hat
You know it's time for T

And when you tippy-toe past a tiger eating toast
Well it's time for T

And you talk about a turkey on the tennis team
Yeah, it's time for T

There's a tarantula tasting a tangerine
Oh, it's time for T

It's time for T
It's time for T
It's time for T
Try it and you'll see
It's time for T
It's totally
Time for T

Take it away, StoryBots!

The tortoise is driving a taco truck

Time for T

And the toad on the trapeze is playing the trombone
Time for T

It's time for T
It's time for T
It's time for T
Try it and you'll see
It's time for T
It's totally
Time for T

Time for T
Youtube Thumbnail ABC Song: "The Letter P" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
ABC Song: "The Letter P" by StoryBots | Netflix Jr
by Netflix Jr.
1:22 - 4,920,562 views

The StoryBots celebrate how perfect the letter "P" is, and sing about paint, plum trees, and pasta!

The StoryBots are curious little creatures who live beneath our screens, offering a world of learning and fun for kids. The Emmy Award-winning “Ask the StoryBots” is now streaming on Netflix!

We will now participate
In a program about the letter P

Penguins and pancakes
Poodles and ponies
partridges and pogo sticks
All start with the letter P

Papers and paddles
Paint and plum trees
Pasta and parsley
All start with the letter P

These are puppets
Can't you see

We're puppets

And puppet starts with the letter P

I have misplaced my pajama pants
Perhaps you can purchase another pair
They were very pricey.

Peanuts and pencils
And a pocketful of pennies
Polar bears and porcupines
All start with the letter P

And piglets
All start with the letter P

That was a positive experience.
Yes, I am as pleased as punch.
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