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The Scream Contents Part 1
by Cole Hayes

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Youtube Thumbnail Wario Ware: HACKED
Wario Ware: HACKED
by UltramasterBDJ
7:03 - 258,107 views

More like this on www.beyond-cheating.de
A nice movie made by myself, featuring codes made by myself as well.

So, it's my first Youtube submission!
Well, seeing that one of my vids landed on Youtube somehow already and received 1000+ views in about one month, I thought it would be worth to give it a try myself.
(EDIT: Heh. Obviously it *was* worth it.)

No emulators were used during neither the creation of these codes, nor during the production of this movie.
"Action Replay" are the magic words.

Or more precisely, "Advance Game Port" featuring "Action Replay"-technology.

That thing is a mix of Game Boy player (except that it ONLY plays GBA-games, not old Game Boy [Color] ones) and Action Replay, PLUS, you can hack your own codes with it. (only the newer version including the "Cheat Construction Kit" can do that)
Info about the Advance Game Port can be found here.
However, they don't seem to sell it anymore in their online-shop for reasons unknown.
Also, that contest didn't last very long.
Also, they never put their forums back up ever since last year. *rolleyes*

If you wanna learn more about this kind of stuff in general, and get a basic overview about how hacking works, I suggest you to eventually read this:

The codes being used can be found here:
The movie itself can be DOWNLOADED here:
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