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Youtube Thumbnail EXTREMELY POWERFUL FORCED SUBLIMINAL BOOSTER → get instant results
by rain subliminals
4:01 - 14,576,702 views

NON-FORCED VERSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4deda8IY60&t

I FINALLY HAVE A NEW LAPTOPPPPP, my old laptop died last month and i had no chance to back up any of the old files ): also sorry for the bad quality, i rendered it in 720p but it looks gross (thank god the audio isn't affected). this booster is definitely the MOST POWERFUL subliminal i have ever made, so i hope this boosts everyone's results!

this subliminal will help you:
-achieve your desired results quickly
-be happy with your results
-have strong faith in subliminals
-have a positive mind-set towards subliminals
-get rid of blockages
-get instant results
-get permanent results
-have a powerful subconscious mind
-manifest all desired results
-prepare all parts and systems of your body for subliminal transformation
-ask permission from your subconscious mind for subliminals to work rapidly and effectively
-become a master at law of attraction
-clear mind of all negative thoughts
-strengthen belief in subliminals and law of attraction
-have a positive mindset
-be able to easily visualise desired results
-get results regardless of native language
-manifest all desires
-see signs and feel sensations whilst listening
-results go into DNA
-everyone remembers your results

this subliminal includes alot of exaggerated affirmations along with afformations to help you get results extremely fast. the affirmations and afformations used throughout this subliminal are very specific, therefore making it extremely powerful allowing you to receive all of your desires very fast. in order for this subliminal booster to work effectively, please have a positive mind-set towards all subliminals, drink plenty of water and watch this video atleast 3 times a day to optimise subliminal results.

-listen at a low/comfortable volume.
-this video has absolutely no negative/harmful affirmations.
-this video can be watched overnight.
-this subliminal can be listened to with one ear bud
-headphones/earbuds are recommended but not required
-the more you listen, the faster you will get results, however you should take frequent breaks.
-this subliminal is forced.
-you can download this video, however, keep in mind that the quality of the download may not be as good as on youtube, therefore could render it less effective.

INSTAGRAM: @rain.subliminals
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