WRONG! [EXTENDED Sparta Remix]
by HeyItsDanFromCp 2:12 - 399,347 views Is this my best yet? Maybe x: I really like how it turned out though :) Wow, I just realized...so much for not using Spongebob -______- Oh, and if you're dueling me, can you please just let me know what round we're on? I've lost track :P Thanks. ~Sparta Duels~ Round 4 vs. ThatSpartanFailNerd Round 5 vs. ZombiesMurderer Round 3 vs. Jario943 Round 3 vs. SonicAdventure2Freak |
He Was Number One! [EXTENDED Sparta Remix]
by HeyItsDanFromCp 2:12 - 177,639 views Here's the details: Round 1 vs. ZombiesMurderer Round 1 vs. FortressFanCP Round 1 vs. Jario943 Round 1 vs. roblox3dflash and final round 5 vs. EdEddnEddyRocks. Whew that was a mouthful. Enjoy (= |
Spongebob Has A Screaming Sparta Remix [EXTENDED]
by HeyItsDanFromCp 2:08 - 542,206 views For a filler, this came out better than expected =) It only took me a day! Pitch is kinda loud, but oh well...it still sounds fine. Credit goes to Viacom for SpongeBob SquarePants. http://www.viacom.com/Pages/default.aspx http://spongebob.nick.com Credit goes to "Funtastic Power!" for the BG Music. http://www.keaton-world.com/music.html |