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Every klasky cuspo logo at ounce
by rigo the anoying groose

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Youtube Thumbnail Klasky Csupo (Widescreen)
Klasky Csupo (Widescreen)
by Mario Buitron
0:06 - 131,095 views

2nd Logo (October 8, 1998-October 20, 2008; July 13, 2012, November 30, 2012)

Nicknames: "The Face"
Logo: Over a static purple background, a black ink stain on a blue background with a liquid effect appears by splattering all over the screen. A hand passes by and drops magazine clippings of eyes and a mouth in yellow-orange bars onto the liquid background (the eyes seem to wiggle like Jell-O) to make a face. The face then says the company name as white blocks fly out from his mouth. The blocks arrange themselves to form the K-C logo (like before, but refined to match the print logo). During the face's screen time, there are holes in the liquid background which reveal some of the purple background that emerge from the center and slide off screen from many different directions. After that, the background and the face disappear like a CRT television turning off, and the "Y" in "KLaSKY" turns purple and flashes faintly.

Strangely, this logo appeared on early airings of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Wet Painters/Krusty Krab Training Video". It was an editing mistake made by Nickelodeon when they first started doing the split-screen credits. (How? Well, normally, Nick makes custom split-screen credits for each toon and it's producers. K-C was the only one that produced multiple Nicktoons, and Nick created a generic one for these shows [which mentioned Klasky and Csupo as producers and included the face]. But on the said episode of SpongeBob, Nick flubbed and used the K-C split screen credits for that episode, and that's why the SSF was used.) As of 2006, the logo is plastered by the United Plankton Pictures logo on repeat airings (which was in the original credits to begin with). Still, it is one of the oddest editing mistakes ever made.
As part of the 2012 re-launch of Klasky-Csupo, RoboSplaat was given arms and legs, and stars in his own web series, which premiered in his Facebook page on December 21st, 2016.

Information: http://closinglogogroup.wikia.com/wiki/Klasky_Csupo,_Inc.

*No copyright infringement, community guidelines strikes or terms of service violations intended.*

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Youtube Thumbnail 10 hours and 1 second of pure black screen!
10 hours and 1 second of pure black screen!
by CandRfun
600:00 - 26,093,955 views

A black screen for 10 hours :D

I did a face reveal btw: https://youtu.be/defjIb3tza0

10 hours of pure white screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC5WrEArgxY

48 hours of pure black screen in HD!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SLr62VBBjw

24 hours + of pure black screen in HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjWfY7SnMBI

8 hours of pure black screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ-aYOdaRV0&t=231s

1 hours of pure black screen in HD!:

Reasons for using this video?

You could use this to check blacklight bleeding.
You could use this as a mirror.
You could use this to trick your parents that the computer is off when it isn't so you can play minecraft/fortnite after midnight without having to enter the password (that u probably don't know) on your parents computer xDDDDDDDDD
You could use this to check dead pixels.
You could use this as a timer.
You could use this to clean your screen without having to turn off the computer.
You could use this video when you’re watching a relaxing video (for example rain and thunder sound videos, relaxing lo fi beats or binaural beats.
You can use this to check your oled display.
You could use this video to take a screenshot of for if you need a black screen for anything (phone background, video editing, instagram story etc.)
You could use this video to play overnight (turn brightness down) while you're downloading something that takes a couple of hours without your computer going to sleep mode.
There are many ways to use this video and I know that many of these things can be done in different ways but people watch this anyways.

If you use this video for different reason, be sure to let me know!
Also, if you have any ideas for future videos. They're more than welcome!

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