![]() MIT Gangnam Style (MIT 강남스타일)
by MIT GangnamStyle 5:02 - 5,597,270 views - secondary link (for mobile): http://mobileyt.com/21678457.php - FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/MIT.GangnamStyle MIT Gangnam Style (MIT 강남스타일 패러디), Music by PSY + MIT Logs Inspired by PSY's GANGNAM STYLE: http://youtu.be/9bZkp7q19f0 Directed by Eddie Ha '13 Edited by Eddie Ha '13 Produced by Ingwon Chae '14 MIT PSY - Richard Yoon '13 and the Gangnam Style Crew + Camera Crew MIT Korean Students Association Featuring: Stu Schmill, Dean of Admissions; MIT Game Lab; MIT Tennis; Freshman Leadership Program; Korean Students Association; Amphibious Achievement; Sloan Business Club; OrigaMIT; MIT Pistol; MIT Pole Vaulting; Asian American Association; MIT Women's Soccer; MIT Swimming; Anime Club; MIT Cheerleading Squad; Professor Eric Lander; Tim the Beaver; Nu Delta; Glass Lab; Logarhythms; Dance Troupe; Department of Urban Studies and Planning; MIT Sailing; Chinese Students' Club; Quidditch Team; MIT-EMS; Lion Dance Club; Freshman Urban Program; South Asian American Students; Phi Beta Epsilon; Professor Noam Chomsky; Professor Donald Sadoway. |
![]() KLINGON STYLE (Star Trek Parody of PSY - GANGNAM STYLE)
by Comediva 3:56 - 7,023,640 views Klingon Style is now on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/klingon-style-single/id649858327 Hey, Sexy Lady! Romance. Success. Qapla'! Whatever, you guys didn't understand Gangnam Style either. Don't miss a single giggle! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subscribecomediva For bonus videos & more goodies, join our newsletter: http://bit.ly/comedivanews Lyrics here: http://www.comediva.com/klingon-style-lyrics (with pronunciation, too!) Go to http://www.comediva.com/tags/Star-Trek for more STAR TREK funny stuff! More giggles at: http://www.comediva.com *Like* us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/comediva *Follow* us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/comediva Concept, Lyrics & Translation by Kristen Bobst (http://twitter.com/thekristeno) Directed by Emily McGregor (http://twitter.com/airhumps) Produced by Linda Yvette Chavez (http://twitter.com/lindayvette) Executive Producer & Editor - Erika Cervantes (http://twitter.com/erikacervantes) Sound Mix and Vocals by Chris Thomas (http://soundcloud.com/chris-thomas-composer) Starring: Ror Morrison as Klingon (http://twitter.com/ror1819) Jenni Stukin as Counselor Deanna Troi Luis Navarro as Commander William T. Riker (http://twitter.com/LuisN1) Sam Weller as Lt. Commander Data (http://twitter.com/CraveSam) Nikol Davis as Guinan (http://twitter.com/SoooRiNIKulous) Kyle Villalovos as Mini-Spock Marisha Ray as Dancing Trekkie Brittany Freeth as Dancing Trekkie (http://twitter.com/brittanyfreeth) Kosha Patel as Dancing Trekkie (http://twitter.com/KoshaDelhi) Sascha Alexander as Dancing Trekkie (http://twitter.com/smascha) Matt Jennings as Dancing Trekkie Kristen Bobst as Dancing Trekkie Gira Balisteri as Dancing Trekkie Director of Photography - Blaine Dunkley (http://www.tonofbricks.net) SFX by Kevin Lipnos (http://twitter.com/kevlipnos) Makeup Artist - Kazu Okada Adapted Choreography by Linda Yvette Chavez Production Assistant - Bethany Boles Very special thanks to our Klingon language expert: Felix Malmenbeck (http://twitter.com/loghaD) Happy 25th Anniversary, "Star Trek: The Next Generation"! (http://bit.ly/STTNGLines) Comediva. Where the funny girls are. |