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Loud Siren With Chaos And Gunfire

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Youtube Thumbnail Crowd panic sound effect
Crowd panic sound effect
by TheMSsoundeffects
2:16 - 898,825 views

Sound of a crowd fleeing in fear and terror. Not bad for a zombie attack or a shooting incident scenario in gaming or video making. Sound was ripped from Metro Last Light, that game has some awesome sound effects.

Download link:
Youtube Thumbnail Silent Hill Siren (Zombie Outbreak Siren) **Long Edit** (Now with Download Link)
Silent Hill Siren (Zombie Outbreak Siren) **Long Edit** (Now with Download Link)
by Whoozy
4:39 - 3,146,654 views

Title says it all...
Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6bss6d52db4bdj6
Youtube Thumbnail Warfare sound effect 1 - close firefight
Warfare sound effect 1 - close firefight
by TheMSsoundeffects
2:26 - 275,617 views

Modern firefight taking place all around the listener giving him the feel of being in it, small arms fire, people screaming and talking, bullets flying too close. Sound ripped from Modern Warfare 3 game.

Download link:
Youtube Thumbnail Air raid siren [10 hours]
Air raid siren [10 hours]
by Kipper
600:39 - 4,171,095 views

Yes, yes, there's an explosion at the end ;)

The title used to be 'Nuclear siren [10 hours]' but that was incorrect, hence the picture.
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