by Bart Baker 3:32 - 55,108,918 views Hot Dog Condom Style! The English Translation of Gangnam Style by PSY. GET THIS SONG ON iTUNES - http://bit.ly/HotDogCondom TWEET THIS - http://clicktotweet.com/7bF1S Get The Original Song - http://tinyurl.com/czyz5r8 BEAT REMADE BY - http://www.youtube.com/user/ADreamOfficial SUBSCRIBE TO HIM Watch the Original video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 BECOME A FACEBOOK FAN - http://www.facebook.com/BartBakerFans FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/bartbaker FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/bartbaker GOOGLE + ME - http://bit.ly/tbnFcB 2nd CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/BartBakerTwo Facebook Mehttp://on.fb.me/oQqMvW "Gangnam Style" Parody Featuring Bart Baker - http://www.youtube.com/BartBaKer Arika Sato - http://www.youtube.com/user/ArikaSato PeeDeeFlo - http://www.youtube.com/user/peedeeflo Tim DeLaGhetto - http://www.youtube.com/user/TimothyDeLaGhetto2 Ricky Schucks - http://www.youtube.com/user/iBeShucks "Gangnam Style" Parody - Directed by Bart Baker "Gangnam Style" Parody - Edited by Bart Baker "Gangnam Style" Parody - Written by Bart Baker "Gangnam Style" Parody - Produced by Ken Furer -http://twitter.com/kenfurer "Gangnam Style" Parody - Shot by Mike Bauman "Gangnam Style" Parody Sound Engineer - Bart Baker "Gangnam Style" Parody - Coordinated by Michael Surh "Gangnam Style" Parody - PA Morris Ellis Costume Design - Morgan Christanson - http://youtube.com/ohyeahmorgan Costume Design - Sulai Rajkirin - http://youtube.com/sulairajkirin |
by JinnyboyTV 3:48 - 23,181,986 views Parody of the worldwide hit Gangnam Style by PSY. Sorry it took us so long! Hope you'll enjoy this one as much as we did filming it! SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/JBTVSUBSCRIBE CLICK TO TWEET AND SHARE THIS VIDEO:http://clicktotweet.com/07zFm #hitzoppaklstyle #KANAPSY #jinnyboytv WATCH OUR SHORT FILMS http://bit.ly/1d59FbF CHECK OUT OUR EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS http://bit.ly/1finoAN AND OUR HANGOUTS http://bit.ly/1i4T1hv LIKE US ON FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/Jinnyboytv FOLLOW US ON TWITTER Jin Lim: http://www.twitter.com/jinnyboy Reuben Kang: http://www.twitter.com/ReubenKang JOIN US ON G+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/100884058243357195392/videos JINNYBOYTV STORE: http://jinnyboytv.bigcartel.com WEBSITE http://www.jinnyboytv.com Featuring: Ryan Higa: http://www.youtube.com/nigahiga Slops McGee: http://www.youtube.com/slopsmcgee Joseph Germani: http://www.youtube.com/germaniproduct... Dmingthing: http://www.youtube.com/dmingthing Kyle Patrick LYRICS: NASI LEMAK KOPI OR TEA WE KEEP IT LOCAL USE TAXI SANA SINI LRT WE KEEP IT LOCAL BAJU KURUNG SARI OR A CHONG SAM WE KEEP IT LOCAL SO KL STYLE WE KEEP IT LOCAL COS WE HAVE BOTAK HAIR OUR TRAFFIC JAM WITH CARS SO CRAM OH YA ITS PANAS HERE OUR KL VIBE BANYAK ALIVE OUR GIRLS THEY MAKE YOU STARE OUR BUILDINGS SEMUA TINGGI SEE KLCC THERE AND KL TOWER THERE I WOULD NEVER LEAVE OUR KOTA KL CITY (HEY) KL CITY (HEY) I WOULD NEVER LEAVE OUR KOTA IF U DON'T KNOW WELL NOW U KNOW OPPA KL STYLE! JALAN TUN RAZAK JALAN IMBI THEY ALL GOT NO TOLL THE DUKE HIGHWAY NPE KENA BAYAR TOLL JALAN AMPANG & CHOW KIT THAT NO DON'T HAVE TOLL NKVE KENA BAYAR TOLL BUT THERES NO PARKING THERE WE SPEND OUR WEEKEND AT THE MALLS LOOKING FOR PARKING BAY THEN WHEN U JUMPA PARKING BAY WE SPEND OUR WHOLE DAYS THERE WE JALAN JALAN DENGAN KAWAN BUT BUY NOTHING THERE ALL WE EAT IS AIR (MAKAN ANGIN) |