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Trattare con gangster con mezzi medici, corrette condizioni ambientali, boicottaggi e sanzioni
by carcere NON è un giusto stato ambiental

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Youtube Thumbnail Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin gathered in Iran at Russi...HD Stock Footage
Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin gathered in Iran at Russi...HD Stock Footage
by CriticalPast
1:46 - 925 views

CriticalPast is an archive of historic footage. The vintage footage in this video has been uploaded for research purposes, and is presented in unedited form. Some viewers may find some scenes or audio in this archival material to be unsettling or distressing. CriticalPast makes this media available for researchers and documentarians, and does not endorse or condone any behavior or message, implied or explicit, that is seen or heard in this video.
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Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD.

Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin gathered in Iran at Russian Embassy for Tehran Conference.

The British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the US President Franklin Roosevelt and the General Secretary of the Communist Party Joseph Stalin sit on a porch of the Soviet Embassy in Tehran, Iran during the Tehran Conference (project "Eureka"). They talk to each other. Officers stand in the background. Premier Molotov, General George Marshall, Harry Hopkins, Admiral EJ King, General HH Arnold, General Sir John Dill, General Voroshilov, Admiral WD Leahy and Anthony Eden stand behind. Location: Tehran Iran. Date: December 1, 1943.

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Youtube Thumbnail Ten years after - I`m going home
Ten years after - I`m going home
by Cor Lemmers
5:16 - 721,161 views

Ten Years After are an English blues rock band, most popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
I'm going home is a live performance on the Woodstock festival in 1969.
Goin' home, my baby
Goin' home, my baby
Goin' home, to see my baby

Our baby, how good
My baby, be good
I'm goin' home, my baby
Home to see my girl

Oh baby, baby, I'm coming home
Baby, baby I'm coming home
Tell me Mama, baby, I'm coming home

Gonna see my baby, see my baby fine
Gonna take my baby, wanna take my baby mine
Gonna take my woman treats me real kind

I'm goin' home, my baby
I'm goin' home, to see my baby
Goin' home, my baby

Gonna see my baby, see my baby fine
Take my baby, take my baby mine
Gonna tell your mama how good that love of ours

I'm goin' home, to see my baby
I'm goin' home, to see my baby
Oh, baby ooh

Wanna take you back, take where love belong
Treat me baby, treat, don't treat me wrong

Oh, baby, I'm rollin'
Baby, baby, I'm rollin'
Baby, baby, I'm rollin'

Won't you shake me, baby, well get you rollin' down
Won't you shake me, baby, well get you rollin' down
Oh, baby, we're gonna have some fun

Baby, please don't go, baby, please don't go
Baby, please don't go, baby, please don't go
Please don't go, she's cold, I need you

Comin' home, ooh, hey
Come on over baby, whole lotta shakin' goin' on
I'm goin' home, to see my baby
Home, to see my girl, ooh

I'm goin' home, take my baby
I'm goin' home, see my baby
Gonna take me back, I'll take her where I belong

I'm goin' home, to see my baby
I'm goin' home, to see my baby
Come on, Take me, Yeah

I'm goin' home, I'm goin' home
I'm goin' home, hey, hoo
Gonna take me back right where I belong

I'm goin' home, I'm goin' home
I'm goin' home, I'm goin' home
Hoo, hoo....., right where I belong
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