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Up to Faster Four parison
by Lizardo Pérez Productions

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Youtube Thumbnail Angry Birds Toons | True Blue? - S1 Ep8
Angry Birds Toons | True Blue? - S1 Ep8
by Angry Birds
2:45 - 2,760,549 views

A disguised Minion Pig manages to infiltrate the Blues, but will the little Angry Birds fall for his ruse?

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Get ready for laughter, tears, a pinch of kung-fu, a spoonful of mischief, and a liberal sprinkling of bacon bits! It’s a new year on Piggy Island, and the Bird vs. Pig struggle rages on. Can our birdy protagonists continue to thwart the pigs’ constant attempts to nab their precious eggs? Will King Pig finally feast on the omelette of his dreams? And will those minion pigs finally catch a break?
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Youtube Thumbnail Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Purple Coin Beach Dash
Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Purple Coin Beach Dash
by Overhazard
1:20 - 86,760 views

Starshine Beach Galaxy - Mission 3
Purple Coin Beach Dash

The other Starshine Beach missions are highly nonlinear and are reminiscent of Super Mario Sunshine, but there's a Purple Coins mission stuck in here too, which is highly linear. So linear, in fact, you're given the strictest time limit ever placed on you for the Purple Coins: A scant 35 seconds. This involves the Dash Pepper; there's no way you could reach all of the Purple Coins in time. This mission is a test on how precisely you can control a speeding Yoshi.

Of course, there are 140 Purple Coins here, so you can afford to make mistakes. Just make sure not to veer off the path too much. Or completely. Save that for when the Star appears.

Requested by star105XL
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