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BFDI Auditions Mashup
by zack perkins

This set has accumulated 3,905 points based on views and sharing
You like it? Red heart Make it famous: (7,742 views)

Youtube Thumbnail BFDI auditions but i edited it
BFDI auditions but i edited it
by ZGUExtras!
1:06 - 637,862 views

credit to everyone
credit to jacknjellify for the flash file.

dont overuse this as a sparta remix source. you can still use it
credit to everyone for every asset and image and stuff.
credit to jacob sparker for the laptop
and i guess mialex
Youtube Thumbnail Bfdi Auditions - Edited
Bfdi Auditions - Edited
by timothy10583
1:00 - 438,326 views

i know these have been done to death but this was really fun to make
original source file by jacknjellify
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI Auditions Edited
BFDI Auditions Edited
by Baldi's Basics Video Maker
1:21 - 97,387 views

Credit to All
Youtube Thumbnail BFDI Auditions: my way (read desc)
BFDI Auditions: my way (read desc)
by Le Sharkoïste
1:06 - 277,576 views

Discord: https://discord.gg/2UGrKvK

Do **NOT** include this video in your Mobizen/Kinemaster compilations without credit

CHARACTERS' GENDERS: (♂️ = male, ♀️ = female)
4-ball ♂️
Football/soccer ball ♂️
McBag ♀️
Golf Ball ♀️
Die ♂️
White Book ♂️
Glitchy clock ♀️
Homer ♂️
AlGmngYtbers ♂️
Dora FR ♀️
EDragonEgg ♂️
YTComms ♂️
RnbwFries ♂️
Goiky map ♀️
Pen ♂️
ArmlessPencil ♀️
NickelBFDIA ♂️
LoPWHBAoSHi2017 ♂️
Pi ♀️
AnnWithMouth ♂️
ThinSponge ♀️
Despacito ♂️
RainbowRobot ♀️
IC ♀️
Match ♀️
Fish ♀️
LimblessEraser ♂️
Youtube Thumbnail Bfdi auditions edited
Bfdi auditions edited
by Devian
1:11 - 991,182 views

O wow
Youtube Thumbnail Another BFDI auditions :D
Another BFDI auditions :D
by Zachy_Main Account
1:21 - 18,610 views

Youtube Thumbnail BFDI Auditions Nick Animation
BFDI Auditions Nick Animation
by Simón Topaz
1:07 - 1,467,674 views

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