![]() PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(강남스타일) M/V
by officialpsy 4:12 - 3,437,862,769 views PSY - ‘I LUV IT’ M/V @ https://youtu.be/Xvjnoagk6GU PSY - ‘New Face’ M/V @https://youtu.be/OwJPPaEyqhI PSY - 8TH ALBUM '4X2=8' on iTunes @ https://smarturl.it/PSY_8thAlbum PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(강남스타일) on iTunes @ http://smarturl.it/PsyGangnam #PSY #싸이 #GANGNAMSTYLE #강남스타일 More about PSY@ http://www.psypark.com/ http://www.youtube.com/officialpsy http://www.facebook.com/officialpsy http://twitter.com/psy_oppa https://www.instagram.com/42psy42 http://iTunes.com/PSY http://sptfy.com/PSY http://weibo.com/psyoppa http://twitter.com/ygent_official |
![]() ♪ "Melonenstyle" - Minecraft Parodie von PSY's Gangnam Style
by Chaosflo44 3:32 - 2,612,861 views Vielen Dank für 1000 Abonnenten! Ihr seit echt die besten! ;) --------------------------------- Stimme, Video, Song- & Videoproduktion von: http://youtube.com/Chaosflo44 Instrumental von: http://youtube.com/JFlaSound Thumbnail von: http://youtube.com/bander2gamer --------------------------------- Benutzte Programme: - Audacity (Tonaufnahme & Editieren) - Minecraft + Shader Mod (Ingame Aufnahmen) - Mine-imator (Animierten Szenen) - Windows Live Movie Maker (Rendern & Schneiden) --------------------------------- Songtext: Melonenstyle Melonenstyle Ich gehe minen in meiner tollen Mine Und nehme die Achterbahn über die riesenlange Schiene Hier unten gibt es ganz viel Zeug, das ich noch gerne hätte wie Gold und Diamanten! Dort steht ein Creeper rum Was macht denn der hier? Ganz bestimmt macht er sofort Kaboom Skelette und Spinnen greifen mich jetzt an Und Zombies auch, von allen Seiten werd' ich angegriffen Ich rieche Creeperrauch, Cree-Cree-Creeperrauch Ich muss laufen, sonst werd' ich draufgehen Das will ich nicht! Hey! Das will ich nicht! Hey! Ich bin umzingelt von Monstern Wagt es nicht! Hey! Wagt es nicht! Hey! Sonst muss ich mich mit meinen Melonensuperkräften we-e-e-hren! Das ist Melonenstyle! Melonenstyle Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Das ist Melonenstyle! Melonenstyle Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Das ist Melonenstyle! Heeeeeyyy! Sexy Creeper! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Das ist Melonenstyle! Heeeeeyyy! Sexy Creeper! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Das ist Melonenstyle! ICH finde eine Schlucht und darin etwas Redstone In der Ferne ist ein Minenschacht, der will mir etwas antun Die Spinnen springen von Wand zu Wand das ist ja ungeheuer Das wird ein Abenteuer Oh nein, ein Enderman! Starr ihn bloß nicht an, sonst wird er dir den Kopf verdrehen Mit Vollgas laufe ich in seinen dunklen Stronghold rein Doch dort erwartet mich bereits der böse Herobrine Herobrine, He-He-Herobrine Ich muss laufen, sonst werd' ich draufgehen Das will ich nicht! Hey! Das will ich nicht! Hey! Ich bin umzingelt von Monstern Wagt es nicht! Hey! Wagt es nicht! Hey! Jetzt muss ich ganz schnell in das Endportal reinspri-spri-springen! Das ist Melonenstyle! Melonenstyle Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Das ist Melonenstyle! Melonenstyle Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Das ist Melonenstyle! Heeeeeyyy! Sexy Creeper! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Das ist Melonenstyle! Heeeeeyyy! Sexy Creeper! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Das ist Melonenstyle! |
![]() "Minecraft Style" - A Minecraft Parody (Psy - Gangnam Style)
by Stuu 3:27 - 17,523,667 views W koncu Minecraft Style! Nie zapomnij zalapkowac,dodac do ulubionych i udostepnic kolegom! Subsckrybowac na wiecej mozna tez! Piosenka stworzona przezemnie i MasterCzulka! :D Subuj Czulka: http://www.youtube.com/masterczulekk ------------------------------------------- TEKST: Opa Minecraft Style! Minecraft Style! PINGWIN Zelazna zbroja i 7 stakow jedzenia To ja ruszam juz w droge mam kopalnie do zwiedzenia Nic mi nieprzeszkodzi nawet enderman przeklety CZULEK bo ruszam dzis po diamenty! O diaxy chce! Zrobie sobie miecz diamentowy bo ja diaxy chce! Creeperom bede scinal glowy! O ja diaxy chce! O porazce to nie ma mowy, szykujemy sie! PINGWIN Bo ja diaxy chce! Slysze za mna jakies syki mowie nie! (nie!) o mowie nie! Nie ma teraz czasu na krzyki mowie nie! (nie!) mowie nie! Zaden mob mi nie przeszkodzi mowie CZULEK nie, nie, nie, nie nie!!!!!!!!!! Opa Minecraft Style! Minecraft Style! Op, Op, Op, Op Opa Minecraft Style! Minecraft Style! Op, Op, Op, Op! PINGWIN Opa Minecraft Style! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey mam diamenty! CZULEK Op, Op, Op, Op! Opa Minecraft Style! PINGWIN Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey mam diamenty! CZULEK Op, Op, Op, Op! PINGWIN E-e-e-e-e-e! Wracam do domu, zaraz ruszamy na lowy! Bojcie sie zombiaki bo mam moj set diamentowy! Moby biegna zeby sie przed mym mieczem schowac PINGWIN Ale chce go zenchantowac! I na sahare! Udaje siê tam po diamenty! Przejdziemy lawe! Zelazem nie jestem przejety! O nie tym razem! Mam tylko jeden cel obrany CZULEK żeby zbroje mieć chyba o tym wiesz Level trzydziesty osiagnalem! Biore miecz! (hey!) O biore miecz! Nic nie bedzie poza popiolem Biore miecz! (hey) Biore miecz! PINGWIN (hey) Nigdy nic sie nie uchyli od mych ciec ciec ciec ciec Opa Minecraft Style Minecraft Style Op,Op,Op,Op Opa Minecraft Style Minecraft Style Op,Op,Op,Op Opa Minecraft Style eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey mam diamenty CZULEK Op, Op,Op,Op Opa Minecraft Style eeeeeeeeeeeeeey mam diamenty CZULEK Op op, Op, op Opa Minecraft Style! ------------------------------------------- ►Tekst i spiewanie: http://www.youtube.com/masterczulekk http://www.youtube.com/polskipingwin ►Storyboard: http://www.youtube.com/polskipingwin ►Animacja- Cale: http://www.youtube.com/user/abmanimator Taniec: http://www.youtube.com/user/mkdesignpl ►Muzyka- Instrumental/Mixing: http://www.youtube.com/docexxmusic Instrumental: http://www.youtube.com/user/JFlaSound Dawajac lapki/ulubione na moich filmach uszczęśliwia mnie i pomaga mi dużo! Dziękuję! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...._............._.............._............._............._............._... ../..,)........../..,).........../..,)........./..,)........../..,)........../..,). ./..)\|........./..)\|........../..)\|........./..)\|........./..)\|........./..)\|.. /.././........./.././........./.././........./.././........./.././........./.././... '."."..........'."."..........'."."..........'."."..........'."."..........'.".".... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
![]() [Just Dance 4] Psy - Gangnam Style (DLC)
by NintenDaan 3:52 - 36,286,244 views WATCH THE JUST DANCE 2019 VIDEO HERE: https://youtu.be/EoUa1eX2FAk We take a look at the Gangnam Style DLC for Just Dance 4. |
![]() NERDY STYLE : Gangnam Style Parody
by Boy Bao 4:42 - 1,225,519 views Get Nerdy Style T-shirts today: http://bit.ly/15zHzF8 Download the song for FREE : http://bit.ly/NSwgCg ▼ My Links ▼ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/therealboybao/ Friend Me: http://on.fb.me/PXtn3c Tumblr: http://goo.gl/t4Lmi8 T-Shirts : http://goo.gl/6scKdm My 2nd Channel : http://goo.gl/WE9DGu FanPage: http://on.fb.me/lXC0dV Thumbs up and Share if you've got that NERDY STYLE Subscribe for more awesome videos!! Myx TV contest winner _____________________________________ SPECIAL THANKS TO: Edwin for recording vocals : http://bit.ly/Qk5ahy Zuri for filming : http://on.fb.me/Qg94bl Daniel The Bully : http://on.fb.me/ScVBYa Fitzgerald Bully#2 : http://bit.ly/Pa3t6x Alison Nerdy Girl : http://bit.ly/naOubU Joey Asian Nerd #2: http://goo.gl/Oh0Tg6 Lloyd (Hip Thruster) : http://bit.ly/PxJbWv Ariel, Vanessa, Catherin, Cindy, SoJung, Eryck, Daniel, Michelle _____________________________________ Instrumental created by ADreamOfficial |
by The Hardware Girl 4:09 - 4,226,509 views http://www.henyamania.com This is VEGAN STYLE! The official Henya Mania parody to Psy - Gangnam Style. This is the original Gangnam Style PSY video if you havent seen it yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 CREDITS Filming and Editing: Michael Levy http://www.youtube.com/user/MrMichaeLevy Directing and Producing, Lyrics and Vocals: Hen Perezz http://www.youtube.com/user/alinyanart Co Producer: Alina Imas http://www.youtube.com/user/alinyanart Music Production: Assaf Halevi http://www.assafhalevi.com/ Animation: Eyal Degabli http://www.youtube.com/user/eyaldegabli Actors: Hen Perezz, Alina Imas, Eyal Degabli, Chen Tarrab, Omer Sarid, Einat Cohen, Carlo the Cat and Michael Levy. LIST OF SUPPORTERS: Shevi - http://www.free.org.il Anonymous - http://animal.org.il/ Gary Yourofsky - http://youtu.be/es6U00LMmC4 Free 269 - http://269life.net/index.php?p=media#&panel1-2 A.L.F - http://www.animalliberationfront.com/ The Veg Shawarma - https://www.facebook.com/vegshawarma.tlv Buddha Burgers - http://www.buddhaburgers.co.il Bar Kayma - http://barkayma.co.il Trend For Life - https://www.facebook.com/trendforlife Healthy Skinny Twins- http://www.HealthySkinnyTwins.com לרשימת מסעדות ובתי עסק ידידותיים לטבעונים לחץ כאן - https://www.facebook.com/veganfriendly.co.il Veg-Tv Info - http://veg-tv.info iAsia - http://http://www.iasia.co.il http://www.30bananasaday.com/ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL! Follow Me! https://twitter.com/HenyaVegan Like my page on FB: https://www.facebook.com/HenyaMania My Japanese Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/NanpaGirls G+ Thingy: https://plus.google.com/u/0/110051930959005600682/posts LYRICS by Hen Perezz: Eight years ago I decided to go vegan No more milk and eggs fish and cow and even chicken Everyone thought that it was just a diet phase Even my Jewish mama asked if I was going crazy Every day since then I'm being asked whats a vegan People talk as if they have a degree in nutrition They say you know its not healthy that's the reason you're so skinny I say check the FDA and why not read the China Study What about plants don't they have feelings when you cut THEM cut a SA-LAD What about plant don't they have feelings no they don't! NO no they don't NO! PLANTS DONT HAVE FEELINGS YOU IDIOT-IOT-IOT-IOT-IOT......IOT! THIS IS VEGAN STYLE VEGAN STYLE HEY VEGAN LADY THIS IS VEGAN STYLE Intelligence don't matter just the fact that they can suffer Just for the sake of taste your sending animals to slaughter You don't have to love them in order to not kill them Just like you don't kill people even thought you'd love to shoot 'em No its not a trend, and we don't have guru And baby yeah we lots of other things to do Gary Yourofsky man, best speech you've ever heard 'Bout time to realize your vision has been blurred What about plants don't they have feeling when you cut THEM cut a SA-LAD What about plant don't they have feelings no they don't! NO no they don't NO! PLANTS DONT HAVE FEELING YOU IDIOT-IOT-IOT-IOT-IOT......IOT! THIS IS VEGAN STYLE VEGAN STYLE HEY VEGAN LADY THIS IS VEGAN STYLE Now that I'm vegan ,my shit smells better I'm more healthy, ecologic, even happier Not killing animals makes my conscience clean Baby check out my glowing skin!!! VEGAN LADY THIS IS VEGAN STYLE... סרטון חדש של חן פרץ, הידועה גם בשם חניה מניה - פארודיה טבעונית על שיר הגאנגנם [גנגם] סטייל הקוריאני שסחף את עולם האינטרנט בלהיט הויראלי של 2012! |