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Object Shows: BFDI & II vs Little Princess Episode 22

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Youtube Thumbnail BFDI 19: Rescission
BFDI 19: Rescission
by jacknjellify
6:23 - 6,214,543 views

Next episode (Ep. 20): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pR6Y3_ahS8

Guys, you can only vote once! When we said, "Every vote counts", we did not mean you could vote more than once. If you try to vote multiple times, your extra votes will not count. All they will do is complicate the vote counting and make the results less accurate. I've even gone as far as to typing down every voter's name in alphabetical order to make sure no one votes twice!

Yay, we thought that bringing in the new guy would be well received! Apparently not, so now we give you the voice to undo your decision! Have fun fun fun fun!

Fun fact: This episode has the most deaths of any episode so far (107).
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