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Object Shows: BFDI & II vs Little Princess Episode 14

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BFDI 14: Half a Loaf Is Better Than None
by jacknjellify
9:45 - 11,723,067 views

Episode 14, with all of its fourteenness, is finally here! Yet another contestant will go home this time. The competition gets more fierce as the remaining ten contestants realize they've reached the celebrated, yet also dreaded, half-way mark. What will happen?

For the first time in several months, a previously eliminated contestant will rejoin the game! Who will it be? The suspense may be overwhelming for some. Flower, the first contestant to be eliminated, has spent one entire year in the Tiny Loser Chamber! Many others have suffered several months in that horrible metal box. With only five minutes of sunlight a day, this room of gloom and doom is the ultimate punishment for the eliminated contestants! See who makes it out alive this time in this episode of BFDI!

Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
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