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Brawl Of The Objects All Episodes Part 1
by Sam

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Youtube Thumbnail Brawl Of The Objects Episode 1 - How It All Began
Brawl Of The Objects Episode 1 - How It All Began
by Anko6theAnimator
7:33 - 923,033 views

So, fourteen contestants are bunched together in this grassy world having happy-fun-times, when suddenly this videogame controller appears and brings them into his competition for a prize of great value! Dang, he could've at least told us what it was. The first challenge will decide who will choose the teams for the competition, but who will be the choosers? Find out in this epic first episode of BOTO! :D


The first episode of Brawl of the Objects, YEAH! I've realized how long it takes to animate now, it's not as easy as it may seem. I'm happy with the outcome of this episode, but I'd love some feedback! :D Like, what could I improve or do less of? Also, if you're gonna' give me feedback, please don't be rude about it.


Q: Agh, where was my recommended character!? o.o
A: I didn't expect I'd already be getting recommended characters (I am accepting them), but I made a spot for them to show up next episode.

Q: Wait, what's the grand prize for BOTO?
A: I did that on purpose, it's a secret until next episode! :)

Q: Why didn't you use the BFDI or II assets?
A: Well, I don't want to copy off of them too much, and I thought it'd be fun to make my own assets! :D

Q: Do you like Tootsie Rolls?
A: Why yes, I do! So chewy!

Q: Can I voice act? You have so many roles!
A: My answer is no, but I might give a role or two to my older brother if he wanted.

Q: How many episodes of BOTO will there be?
A: I don't know, I can be a bit unorganized.

Q: Anko, you can speak French!?
A: Yes, yes I can. XD

If you have any other questions, I'll gladly answer! :)

Enjoy, everybody! :D

New Friendly, Movement Proposition, Itty Bitty 8 Bit, Kick Shock - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

More Eight Bit Stabs - teknoaxe (http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe)
Youtube Thumbnail Brawl Of The Objects Episode 2 - B.O.T.O. The Videogame
Brawl Of The Objects Episode 2 - B.O.T.O. The Videogame
by Anko6theAnimator
12:12 - 1,140,888 views

Continuing down the road of our competition, Party Hat and Pizza choose the teams. Afterwards, all the contestants are teleported to a videogame world, where there's danger and enemies all over the place! Their object is to make it through the level and beat the boss in the castle, but who will win the challenge for their team? Find out in this pixelated episode of Brawl Of The Objects! :D


WOW, that was hard to make! :P I had to make each individual pixel on each character, plus the level and the enemies and all that videogame stuff, argh... But, I love the final outcome a lot, and I bet you will too! :) Also, something funny... I export all my animations as .mov files, and for some reason, the night before February 28th, Windows Movie Maker and Windows Media Player suddenly wouldn't support that kind of video file, and would crash every time I tried to play them! That means I couldn't open this episode in Movie Maker, and couldn't edit or export it, so I was in a reeeal pickle there. Luckily, my older brother's computer (which s slightly older than mine) could support .mov files, so I had to transfer all the scenes and sounds to his computer and recreate the episode all in one night... Boy, was that tiring! Anyhow, I got it done in time and exported it as the right movie file, sooo... That was my adventure.


Q: Where was my recommended character!?
A: Like I said many times, recently recommended characters will appear in episode 3.

Q: What happened to your voice while doing Controlly, Anko?
A: My older brother voices him now.

Q: How do I vote?
A: Comment who you want eliminated!

Q: Will you be doing any more Let's Play videos?
A: Probably not, 1. I sink at gaming, 2. It's not animation, and that's what this channel is all about.

Q: Will there ever be a recommended character debut in BOTO?
A: Probably, like all object shows. XD

Tell me what you think of the episode, too! I enjoy your support, and I definitely loved making this episode! Enjoy! :D
Youtube Thumbnail Brawl Of The Objects Episode 3- The Ever Convenient Objects' Shopping Mall
Brawl Of The Objects Episode 3- The Ever Convenient Objects' Shopping Mall
by Anko6theAnimator
14:01 - 1,563,061 views

So, after the elimination of one contestant on Pizza's Team, Controlly announces that the next challenge is a shopping challenge! Whichever team ends up buying the most in the end will win, and get immunity. Everybody chooses a store and begins their journey, but which team will come on top in the end? Find out in this third episode of Brawl Of The Objects! :D


Well, I had a tight schedule this month! This is the episode with the most scenes so far, I ended up doing 9 a day for the last week of March. And my older brother had to go out of town until the end of the month, so I had to get him to do all of his 26 lines done in one day! It was hard, but at least I got through it! :)

Tell me what you think of the episode, too! I enjoy your support, and I definitely loved making this episode! Enjoy! :D
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Youtube Thumbnail Brawl Of The Objects Episode 5- Go, Battle Monster!
Brawl Of The Objects Episode 5- Go, Battle Monster!
by Anko6
12:42 - 1,882,817 views

After a shocking elimination, contestant #3 is eliminated, creating our final 11! The next challenge is a playing card competition, where the contestants battled in a tournament bracket with the cards from the popular card game "Battle Monsters". (Well, popular in the object world.) Who will come out on top? Who will epically fail? And what HUGE surprise awaits us at the end of the episode? Find out in this brand new and epic episode of Brawl Of The Objects! :D


Well, another successful month! But I am SO sorry for all of the sound glitches, especially when the VS screens played. I just couldn't get rid of the glitches without disrupting the rest of the video, you see, I thought I was doing it correctly, but the video after those scenes went quiet for a second before you could hear the audio again. Because I didn't want this to happen, I decided to keep the VS scenes the same, even if the metal guitar sounds odd. At least the video after's fine, though! :D (Trust me, it was weird.)

Other than that, though, I really liked how the video came out! Designing all of the Battle Monsters was pretty fun, and I think I drew them pretty well! Tell me in the comments, which Battle Monster was your favourite? I'd love to know! :D

Thanks for watching!


'Overcast', 'Itty Bitty 8 Bit', 'Rising', 'Radio Martini', 'Full On', 'The House Of Leaves', 'Cut and Dry', 'Go Cart' and 'Kick Shock' - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

'More Eight Bit Stabs' - teknoaxe (http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe)
Youtube Thumbnail Brawl Of The Objects Episode 6- A Treasured Welcome
Brawl Of The Objects Episode 6- A Treasured Welcome
by Anko6
12:37 - 1,107,682 views

After the contestants on Team Chocolate votes off one of the contestants on Team Vanilla, we get our final 10! But wait, what's this? A recommended character is joining the game! So, after the debut, we needed to see which team this new contestant would be joining, so in this challenge, the winning team would get a new player! The challenge was a treasure hunting challenge, where the contestants needed to follow directions to find their buried treasure. Who will find their treasure first? Who'll be tricked, and who'll remain victorious? Find out in this amazing new episode of Brawl Of The Objects!!! :D


Aaand, I am DONE for the summer! Sorry about this little hiatus, but as you know, I'm a single animator, and I need a break. Seriously, I want to go outside and draw more! D: But hey, at least I'm proud with how this episode came out! :D There's no sound glitches, see? I fixed it, somehow! Sure, the volume is a tad quieter than it should be, but that's no biggie. I'd have to say this is one of my favourite episodes yet, to be honest, because I think my animation has gotten a lot better, and this would be the episode I would show anybody if they wanted to see Brawl Of The Objects. XD I hope you like this episode!

Thanks for watching!


'Gone Beyond', 'Local Forecast- Elevator', 'Rising', 'Move Forward', 'Decisions', 'New Friendly', 'Latin Industries', 'Private Eye', 'Spazzmatica Polka', 'Full On', 'Blown Away', 'Wallpaper' and 'Kick Shock' - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

'More Eight Bit Stabs' - teknoaxe (http://www.youtube.com/user/teknoaxe)
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