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asdfmovie videos eightparison (Months) (January, Februrary, March, April, May & June)
by Cole

This set has accumulated 527 points based on views and sharing
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Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie2
by TomSka
1:52 - 59,605,431 views

Pre-Order Muffin Time on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bigpotato/muffin-time-the-random-card-game)
ass-duff-moo-vee-too - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Animated by Edd 'Eddsworld' Gould (http://youtube.com/eddsworld)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Music by Stephen Grant (http://thesherbetheaddd.tumblr.com/)
Ending Sting by Skoolcool (http://youtube.com/skoolcool)
Featuring the voices of: Chloe Dungate (http://youtube.com/scarfdemon), Edd Gould, Chris Bingham (http://youtube.com/slomozovo), and Will Ryan (http://youtube.com/diamondarmada2008).

TomSka Shirts (http://sharkrobot.com/asdfmovie)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)

Special thanks to Casey, Sam, George, Harry, Tom and Marianne.
Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie2: deleted scenes
asdfmovie2: deleted scenes
by TomSka
0:50 - 22,342,865 views

Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game! Out now! http://MuffinTimeGame.com
A handful of skits that never made it into the final cut of asdfmovie2.
More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (http://sharkrobot.com/asdfmovie)
Animated by Edd 'Eddsworld' Gould (http://youtube.com/eddsworld)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Music by 2gi (http://www.2gi.org/)

TomSka Shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)

Special thanks to Chris, Will, and George.
Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie6
by TomSka
1:43 - 43,929,466 views

Pre-Order Muffin Time on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bigpotato/muffin-time-the-random-card-game)
ass-duff-moo-vee-sicks - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (https://tomskashop.com/) download the song (http://bit.ly/asdf6song1)
Animated by Ben ‘Wonchop’ Smallman (http://youtube.com/wonchopanimation)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (http://youtube.com/lildeucedeuce)
Featuring DukeLovesYou (http://twitter.com/dukelovesyou),
Jason Steele (http://youtube.com/filmcow),
Sean Klitzner (http://youtube.com/SeanKlitzner),
Chloe Dungate (http://youtube.com/scarfdemon),
Michael Stevens (http://youtube.com/vsauce),
Dean Dobbs (http://twitter.com/deandobbs),
Brock Baker (http://youtube.com/mcgoiter),
and Todd Bryanton as Dougal Flopguy.
Sound Assistance by Dan Pugsley (http://danpugsley.co.uk)

TomSka Shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)
Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie10
by TomSka
2:15 - 36,668,461 views

Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game! Out now! http://MuffinTimeGame.com
ass-duff-moo-vee-ten - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (http://tomskashop.com) download the song (http://bit.ly/beepsheep)
Animated by Ben ‘Wonchop’ Smallman (http://youtube.com/wonchopanimation)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (http://youtube.com/lildeucedeuce)
Additional Animation by David Post (http://youtube.com/Hoolopee)
Featuring Eddie Bowley (http://youtube.com/eddache)
Erin Breslin (http://twitter.com/2ToesUp)
Gabriel ‘Black Gryph0n’ Brown (http://youtube.com/christkids)
Luke ‘LukeIsNotSexy’ Cutforth (http://youtube.com/lukeisnotsexy)
Jack ‘Jacksfilms’ Douglass (http://youtube.com/jacksfilms)
Chloe ‘ScarfDemon’ Dungate (http://youtube.com/scarfdemon)
Elliot ‘ElliotExplicit’ Gough (http://twitter.com/elliotexplicit)
Dan ‘danisnotonfire’ Howell (http://youtube.com/danisnotonfire)
Phil ‘AmazingPhil’ Lester (http://youtube.com/amazingphil)
Sean ‘Jacksepticeye’ McLoughlin (http://youtube.com/jacksepticeye)
Rebecca Parham (http://youtube.com/LetMeExplainStudios)
Jacob and Mike Trueman (http://youtube.com/fratocrats)
and Edd Gould

TomSka Shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Art is Dead (the asdf book) (http://amzn.eu/9MeoROd)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)
Youtube Thumbnail marmite is terrible (asdfmite)
marmite is terrible (asdfmite)
by TomSka
0:54 - 23,456,794 views

Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game! Out now! http://MuffinTimeGame.com
More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
Animated by Edd 'Eddsworld' Gould (http://youtube.com/Eddsworld)
Music by Stephen Grant (http://thesherbetheaddd.tumblr.com)

Special thanks to Marmite for making this video possible!

TomSka Shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)
Youtube Thumbnail asdfmovie5
by TomSka
1:28 - 42,823,971 views

Pre-Order Muffin Time on Kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bigpotato/muffin-time-the-random-card-game)
ass-duff-moo-vee-five - More asdfmovie! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3A5849BDE0581B19
asdfmovie t-shirts (https://tomskashop.com/) download the song (http://bit.ly/asdf5itunes)
Animated by Jamie ‘RageNineteen’ Spicer-Lewis (http://youtube.com/ragenineteen)

Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (http://youtube.com/tomska)
Music by Yoav ‘TheLivingTombstone’ Landau (http://youtube.com/thelivingtombstone)
Featuring Jenny Bingham (http://youtube.com/jenny),
Khyan Mansley (http://youtube.com/khyan)
Jack Howard and Dean Dobbs (http://youtube.com/jackanddean)
Chris Bingham (http://youtube.com/slomozovo)
and Dominic Fera (http://youtube.com/dominicfear)
Art Assistance by Chloe Dungate (http://youtube.com/scarfdemon)
Animation Assistance by Paul ter Voorde (http://youtube.com/paultervoorde)
Sound Assistance by Dan Pugsley (http://danpugsley.co.uk)

TomSka Shirts (https://tomskashop.com/)
Twitter (http://twitter.com/thetomska)
Facebook (http://fb.com/thetomska)
Tumblr (http://thetomska.tumblr.com)
Secondary Channel (http://youtube.com/darksquidge)
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