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Youtube Thumbnail Ouchy! | Tee & Mo
Ouchy! | Tee & Mo
by Tee and Mo
3:02 - 21,911,868 views

Youtube Thumbnail Olivia the Pig | Olivia Measures Up | Olivia Full Episodes
Olivia the Pig | Olivia Measures Up | Olivia Full Episodes
by Olivia The Pig Official channel
29:07 - 5,507,055 views

Olivia is discouraged because she isn't growing as fast as her brother, so she tries to stop him from growing. ► Click to Subscribe to Olivia the Pig Official: http://bit.ly/2syMvL3

Warm Welcome to the Official Channel of Olivia The Pig Cartoon! Enjoy Olivia the Pig full episodes and compilations. Olivia is always up for fun, if it's at school, at home, or at a friends house! Join her on the next adventure!

► Watch more Olivia the Pig Full Episodes: http://bit.ly/2rI5G5n
► Watch Olivia the Pig 'makes'... http://bit.ly/2szMWFf
► Watch Olivia The Pig - Brand New Collection of Favourite Episodes http://bit.ly/2sczFF4


Olivia - Today's girl. A 6 ¾ year old dynamo who believes she can do anything and sees every day as an opportunity to try new things.

Mother - Supportive and loving, but no-nonsense — the glue that holds everyone together.

Father - Warm, loving, affable dad who enjoys spouting factual information and drawing graphs to illustrate his point.  

Ian - 4 years old, and Olivia's older younger brother, Ian is particularly interested in space, dinosaurs, robots, and managing spaghetti eating.

William - A small baby that does what most babies do. He sleeps, eats, cries and can be quite adorable.  

Grandma - stylish and in her late-fifties; appreciates everything from Tai Chi to surfing and calypso dancing.

Perry - the family dog, likes to hide the family's belongings. Chases the cat causing havoc with the squirrels.

Edwin - the cat, appears to be boneless as he often lies draped over Olivia's arm. Edwin mostly likes to eat and sleep.

Mrs. Hoggenmuller - Olivia's teacher, a dedicated cat fancier and cowbell-playing virtuoso, with a penchant for the outdoors.

Julian - Olivia's best friend. Julian is shy, an observer and scared of heights. But he's smart, with a self deprecating sense of humour.

Francine - Olivia's next door neighbour, and biggest rival. A rule follower with little imagination. Determined to be number one in everything #OliviaThePigOfficial #OliviaThePig
Youtube Thumbnail Die Abenteuerhose -    Der kleine König aus dem Sandmännchen
Die Abenteuerhose - Der kleine König aus dem Sandmännchen
by Der kleine König TV
3:26 - 442,466 views


Was tun, wenn die Hose zu eng wird und kneift? Im Grunde dasselbe, wie bei einer zu großen Hose: Mann braucht Muskeln :-). Und die kriegt man durch Sport. Mit dem Ziel: die Hose muss wieder passen! Jedoch passieren auf dem Weg dahin allerhand Missgeschicke.
Lustig für alle mit kleinem und großem Übergewicht :-D
Mehr bei www.hedwigmunck.com und www.derkleinekoenig.de
Diese Filmgeschichte gibts auch als app, auf DVD, als Hörspiel und als
Hier sind einige links dazu:

ebook: Der kleine König ist der Größte mit 8 Bilderbüchern

CD Der kleine König auf großer Fahrt
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android app googleplay mit allen Filmen:
Der kleine König - Meine Filme

app bei itunes
Der kleine König wünscht Gute Nacht

5-DVD-Box: Der kleine König und seine Freunde

© Produktion+Musikverlag: Imediat GbR, Hedwig u Andreas Munck
DVD-Label: Universal Music
Dt.TV-Rechte ARD (rbb, mdr, ndr)
Text+Grafik+Regie: Hedwig Munck
Musik: Achim Gieseler
Sprecher+Sänger: Jochen Menzel
Produktion+Bearbeitung: Andreas Munck
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