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Youtube Thumbnail Jedi Mind Tricks Presents Army of the Pharaohs (AOTP) - Battle Cry (Instrumental) [Official Audio]
Jedi Mind Tricks Presents Army of the Pharaohs (AOTP) - "Battle Cry" (Instrumental) [Official Audio]
by babygranderecords
6:12 - 217,227 views

Purchase the Yellow Vinyl 12" now: http://bit.ly/13YsCeI

Purchase "Tear It Down/ Battle Cry" on iTunes now: http://bit.ly/12g9swp

You are now listening to the instrumental of "Battle Cry" by Jedi Mind Tricks Presents: Army of the Pharaohs from the album "Tear It Down/ Battle Cry" in stores now on Babygrande Records. For more info on Babygrande, visit:

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