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Elowen's new personal bundle
by Elowen

This set has accumulated 235 points based on views and sharing
You like it? Red heart Make it famous: (468 views)

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Youtube Thumbnail Perfect School Life ll Good Student ll Subliminal
Perfect School Life ll Good Student ll Subliminal
by cee â™°
8:30 - 925,968 views

Affirmations include:
- Become the best student ever
- Photographic memory
- Audiographic memory
- Remember everything you are taught in class.
- Pass all classes and tests with A's
- Have the highest grades
- Be more intelligent
- Good studying method
- Better time management
- Be more confident in what you know
- Be more participative in class
- Always try to respond to teachers' questions
- Extremely good concetration and focus
- Always know the answers to tests
- Learn anything instantly
- Easily recall anything you learn
- Intuitive aptitude
- Hypercompetence
- Read faster
- Be good at maths, history, biology, chemistry, etc..
- Learn any language you desire
- Speak publicly with confidence
- Win debates
- Neat and improved handwriting
- Be relaxed during class
- Stop procrastination
- Self-love
- Get rid of anxiety
- Teachers are nice to you
- Classmates are nice to you
- People from your school are nice to you
- Attract true loyal friends
- Meet new exciting people
- Attract your crush
- Attract your desired partner
- Everyone finds you beautiful
- Have an attractive aura
- Manifest what you desire using LOA
- Get rid of intrusive thoughts


All my subliminals:
• Are downloadable
• No frequencies
• Can be heard without earphones

Results depend on each person. Listen between 30 minutes and one hour to get faster results. If you feel overwhelmed, reduce the listening time to 6 times.

Subliminals work better when you do not know the affirmations that's why i don't share them.
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