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Youtube Thumbnail Piggy Tales | Epic Sir Bucket - S1 Ep10
Piggy Tales | Epic Sir Bucket - S1 Ep10
by Angry Birds
1:16 - 4,580,532 views

A bucket makes a perfect helmet for a crusading knight – or at least this playful piggy thinks so! But what’s that mysterious thing hanging from that balloon?

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Follow the everyday lives of the mischievous minion pigs, who solve their problems with their limited wisdom! Piggy Tales gives you a glimpse into the lives of our favourite green pigs, in a way you've never seen before.
Youtube Thumbnail Piggy Tales - Pigs at Work | Final Exam - S2 Ep22
Piggy Tales - Pigs at Work | Final Exam - S2 Ep22
by Angry Birds
1:11 - 5,090,617 views

"Perfect score" means something else to pigs.

★ SUBSCRIBE to Angry Birds Channel and never miss a thing: http://bit.ly/SubscribetoAngryBirds

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▶︎ PLAY Angry Birds: https://www.angrybirds.com/games

▶︎ READ the blog: https://www.angrybirds.com/blog

In Season 2, Piggy Tales: Pigs at Work, the pigs grapple with everyday life in the pigstruction zone – tackling issues such as how to follow instructions, nailing more nails, accidental innovation and building things for no reason.
Youtube Thumbnail Piggy Tales - Pigs at Work | Final Exam - S2 Ep22
Piggy Tales - Pigs at Work | Final Exam - S2 Ep22
by Angry Birds
1:11 - 5,090,617 views

"Perfect score" means something else to pigs.

★ SUBSCRIBE to Angry Birds Channel and never miss a thing: http://bit.ly/SubscribetoAngryBirds

▶︎ FOLLOW Angry Birds on:
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Instagram: https://instagram.com/angrybirdsofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/angrybirds

▶︎ PLAY Angry Birds: https://www.angrybirds.com/games

▶︎ READ the blog: https://www.angrybirds.com/blog

In Season 2, Piggy Tales: Pigs at Work, the pigs grapple with everyday life in the pigstruction zone – tackling issues such as how to follow instructions, nailing more nails, accidental innovation and building things for no reason.
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