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Sissy\ feminization mashup

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Youtube Thumbnail [ Hypno ] Sissification part 1
[ Hypno ] Sissification part 1
by Comforts of the Mind
10:42 - 160,029 views

Support me on Patreon!

Read the script here!

Trigger file: Abyss of Bliss
Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knUOZIxklG0

Follow ComfortsOfTheMind Tumblr! : http://comfortsofthemind.tumblr.com/

Follow me on tumblr at http://missnoa23.tumblr.com

Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MissNoa2323

Clean Soul - Calming by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-...
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

Thanks to my lovely boyfriend for writing this script for me to get me out of my rut~
Youtube Thumbnail Female Tendencies File -- Behaviour Modifcation -- With Binaurals
Female Tendencies File -- Behaviour Modifcation -- With Binaurals
by Tarp Nitsua
26:19 - 128,028 views

A file to make you look and act more girly, and to enjoy, having a girly form. This version contains feminizing binaurals in the background.

This file is one of the crowdfunded files that was to be completed by the late Kavidun, also known by her stage name as Positivity. I'll be completing her other files as well, to ensure that those who pledged to these files, get access to these files.

The download is below, and if you'd like to support more files like this you can support us on Patreon and you can contact myself and the other hypnotists at Perpetuality Hypnosis on the discord server below.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bd42gyj3fpooo99/femfile%20with%20beats.mp3
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Perpetuality
Discord: https://discord.gg/XqMx7VBgcq
Youtube Thumbnail MTF Hypnosis: Eliminating Your Manhood
MTF Hypnosis: Eliminating Your Manhood
by Dawna Tompson
33:22 - 249,808 views

Life's next step in your total transformation into the woman of your dreams.
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Youtube Thumbnail Hypnotic Feminization: Feminize Me Completely
Hypnotic Feminization: Feminize Me Completely
by David Bradley
24:00 - 519,127 views

http://Keystofeminization.com , This hypnotic feminization recording, feminize me completely. is designed to install and strengthen f your inner woman. The part of your subconscious mind. that contains your identity as a woman. this identity comes from your beliefs and mindsets. about what in means to be a woman. Understanding you understand. How good it feels. To be a feminine woman. Remembering your choice. To express the qualities and nature of a woman. because being a natural woman. is expressed, in the way you talk. the way you walk. the way you express your feelings. your gestures. mannerisms and behaviour. And because you have used hypnosis. your subconscious mind can. And will. do all this with ease. Filling your mind with feminine thoughts. allowing your to feel feminine feelings. And making it totally natural for you to express yourself with behaviours. And now you were certain. Are you not. When you are certain. Knowing in your heart. This is who you are. Who you have always been. Because you remember. Remembering who you are. Who you now know you have always been. embracing your true nature. In this recording, we will be programing your subconscious mind, by installing new subconscious beliefs, so you know you are certain. You are a girl who is a woman. As you forget to remember another past, because that past as no impact. Because you subconscious knows. You grew up with a girl inside you. She is who you are now. So it now feels so natural. For you to express. the mannerisms, gestures, thoughts and feelings. that now find there expression in feminine ways. You will find you naturally have a desire. to make yourself beautiful and look feminine. feeling and behaving like the feminine woman you are. It will make you feel so good. to feel feminine and express yourself in feminine ways. My name is destiny. and I will be your guide. filling your mind. with hypnotic suggestions. and as you relax and enjoy, my words, floating into your beautiful female mind. you will experience, a wonderful transformation.
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