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Solar Halloween Dance Party! Part 5 FINALE

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Youtube Thumbnail Planet Song/Planet Saturn Song
Planet Song/Planet Saturn Song
by KLT
1:53 - 3,858,061 views

Learn the solar system planet Saturn song with this planet song. Brought to you by KLT.
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I am Saturn
The 6th planet from the sun
I’m known for my rings by every one
I’m the 2nd largest planet in our solar system
Please come to sing along until my teachings are done

Out of my 62 moons
53 are named

I am a gas giant
All astronomers claim

is my radius in miles
for you to explore

10.44 Meter
that's per second you’d drop
That's my gravity pulling
towards my surface top

10 hours and 39 minutes long
is a day on my surface
Let's sing this song

I am Saturn
The 6th planet from the sun
I’m known for my rings by every one
I’m the 2nd largest planet in our solar system
Please come to sing along until my teachings are done

It takes 29 years
for me to orbit the sun

And my rings are made up
of rock and icy chunks

886 million miles away

is my distance from the sun
that is why I'm chilly

Hydrogen and helium
Are what I’m mostly made of

in my atmosphere from my surface above

26.7 is the number of degrees
I spin on my axis
I’m so cold that you’d freeze

I am Saturn
The 6th planet from the sun
I’m known for my rings by every one
I’m the 2nd largest planet in our solar system
Please come to sing along until my teachings are done
#solarsystem #planetsong #kidslearningtube #saturn
Youtube Thumbnail Planet Earth Song
Planet Earth Song
by KLT
2:24 - 5,108,327 views

Learn the planet Earth song with the Planet Earth Song by the KLT App iPhone & iPad * https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kids-learning-tube/id1491094573?ls=1
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I am the Earth
The only planet with organic life
With 8.7 million species
We all fight to survive.
You all live on me
So work like bees in a hive
And keep this planet really healthy
So that we can all thrive

My atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen
Another 21% of it is Oxygen
And other small percentages of other elements
Without my atmosphere around
You would be frozen

I take 365 Earth days
To Orbit the sun
24 hours makes 1 day
That's just one time that I'm Spun
You won’t fly off into space
Gravity’s pulling you down
As fast as 9.8 meters a second towards the ground

I am the Earth
The only planet with organic life
With 8.7 million species
We all fight to survive.
You all live on me
So work like bees in a hive
And keep this planet really healthy
So that we can all thrive

There are 12 different types of climates
that exist on me
moderate, Polar, dry, and tropical are 4 groups you see
Then there is continental it is the 5th category
One climate in no group
Is Highland way above the sea

I’m the 3rd planet from the sun
No one is denser than me
My axis tilts at 23.5 that's my degree
4.5 billion years ago is when I was born you see

I am the Earth
The only planet with organic life
With 8.7 million species
We all fight to survive.
You all live on me
So work like bees in a hive
And keep this planet really healthy
So that we can all thrive

I am the Earth
The only planet with organic life
With 8.7 million species
We all fight to survive.
You all live on me
So work like bees in a hive
And keep this planet really healthy
So that we can all thrive
#solarsystem #planetsong #kidslearningtube #earth
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