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Youtube Thumbnail What Is Mars? | 4th Planet From The Sun Explained!
What Is Mars? | 4th Planet From The Sun Explained!
by KLT
2:05 - 6,977,630 views

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Learn about Mars -- the 4th planet from the sun known for its distinctive red color -- with this Space Explained video by KLT!

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Youtube Thumbnail Dwarf Planet Song/Dwarf Planet Makemake Song
Dwarf Planet Song/Dwarf Planet Makemake Song
by KLT
2:05 - 2,863,486 views

Learn about our solar systems Dwarf Planet Makemake with this Dwarf Planet Song. Brought to you by KLT. Don't forget to sing along.

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Music: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT
Video: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT


I'm Make Make
I was named by the human race
I’m the third-largest Dwarf Planet
In outer space
Yeah My color is red
And I have no atmosphere
Have you noticed my shape
I am a perfect sphere

On March 31st in 2005
Is when the Palomar Observatory brought me to life
Easter bunny was my name when they discovered me
2008 the IAU confirmed me officially
They also gave me the name that remains Make Make
Which was the Rapanui god of Fertility
I have no natural satellites that orbit around me
-239 is my average degree

I'm Make Make
I was named by the human race
I’m the third-largest Dwarf Planet
In outer space
Yeah My color is red
And I have no atmosphere
Have you noticed my shape
I am a perfect sphere

Molecules named Tholins are thought to exist on me
They’re formed when ultraviolet light interacts with Ethane you see
These molecules make me the reddish-brown color that I will be
No space probes have visited me no missions have been deployed
I orbit outside of Neptune which means I am a plutoid
I’m found inside the Kuiper Belt with comments and the asteroids

I'm Make Make
I was named by the human race
I’m the third-largest Dwarf Planet
In outer space
Yeah My color is red
And I have no atmosphere
Have you noticed my shape
I am a perfect sphere
#dwarfplanetsong #dwarfplanet #kidslearningtube
Youtube Thumbnail Sedna Large Minor Planet/Planets Song  / Solar System Song
Sedna Large Minor Planet/Planets Song / Solar System Song
by KLT
2:24 - 3,449,400 views

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Learn about large minor planet Sedna. Maybe someday Sedna will be a Dwarf Planet. Download the KLT App here for an ad-free viewing experience:
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Learn first with this fun educational music video and parents. Brought to you by KLT. Don't forget to sing along.

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Music: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT
Video: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT


My name is Sedna
A Dwarf Planet candidate
I’m in the furthest reaches of our solar system in orbit

On November 14th in 2003
The Palomar Observatory
is who discovered me

The names of Astronomers
are Michael Brown, Chad Trujillo
And Dave Rabinowitz Are how I was found

My name Sedna means Inuit Goddess of the Sea
Which derived from a young arctic woman’s
grim Eskimo story

I’m a Large Minor Planet
That is what I will be
Until I meet the criteria for Dwarf status you see

My name is Sedna
A Dwarf Planet candidate
I’m in the furthest reaches of our solar system in orbit

My distance from the sun
in my furthest orbit
are about 84 Billion Miles
I barely see it

If you saw the sun
From that distance, you wouldn't squint
It would be so small
It could be blocked with the head of a pin

I’m the second reddish object
in our solar system
The first reddest is Mars
Yeah I am 2nd to him

I am three fourths the size
of our Dwarf Planet Pluto
And I’m believed to live in the inner
Oort Cloud you know

My name is Sedna
A Dwarf Planet candidate
I’m in the furthest reaches of our solar system in orbit

The time I'd thought to take
to orbit our sun once
is 10,500 earth years
Yeah, that is a long run?

It’s predicted the last time
I was closest to our sun
Earth was coming out
of it’s last Ice Age
Now that isn't fun

I live in the coldest known region
of our Solar System
it’s Minus 240 degrees Celsius
where I’m from

My name is Sedna
A Dwarf Planet candidate
I’m in the furthest reaches of our solar system in orbit

My name is Sedna
A Dwarf Planet candidate
I’m in the furthest reaches of our solar system in orbit
Youtube Thumbnail Quaoar - Dwarf Planet Candidate & Kuiper Belt Object
Quaoar - Dwarf Planet Candidate & Kuiper Belt Object
by KLT
3:03 - 2,220,987 views

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Learn about Dwarf Planet Candidate Quaoar with this Dwarf Planet Song! Quaoar may potentially be a Dwarf Planet in our Solar System but until the evidence is in confirming this status, Quaoar will remain a Kuiper Belt Object! Brought to you by KLT!

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Music: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT
Video: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT


I am Quaoar
And I’m a Dwarf Planet candidate
In the outreaches of the Kuiper Belt’s
where I orbit

My name Quaoar
There’s so much to learn about me
As we adventure
on our space journey odyssey

I was discovered on the
June 4, 2002, by astronomers Chad Trujillo
and Michael Brown
to name the two

The Samuel Oschin Telescope
did discover me
In California at the
Palomar Observatory

Named after an
important figure in the mythology
of Mission Indians
in Southern coastal California, you see

Before my name
was approved by the IAU
My provisional designation
was 2002 LM60 it’s true

My name in full
is 50000 Quaoar
And I’m roughly
half the size of our Dwarf Planet Pluto by far

I am Quaoar
And I’m a Dwarf planet candidate
In the outreaches of the Kuiper Belt’s
where I orbit

My name Quaoar
There’s so much to learn about me
As we adventure
on our space journey odyssey

My Orbit around the sun
Is nearly circular you know
About 285 Earth years
Is 1 year on my surface though

Astronomers think
my color’s moderately red
And that I’m 1250 kilometers
in diameter they said

I’m about 6 billion kilometers
from Earth
It would 100,000 years
to walk to me for what its worth

Scientists were shocked to find
signs of Crystalline Ice
and Ammonia Hydrate
on my surface isn’t that nice

I am Quaoar
And I’m a Dwarf planet candidate
In the outreaches of the Kuiper Belt’s
where I orbit

My name Quaoar
There’s so much to learn about me
As we adventure
on our space journey odyssey

I have one known satellite
Its name is Weywot
February 22, 2007’s
when you learned of it

Michael E.Brown
did discover my Moon
From images taken in February 2006
that is true

Weywot size is about
74 kilometers
That's an estimated size of my
satellites diameter

There’s more trans-Neptunian
objects yet to be found
Maybe you could be the next astronomer
to break that unknown ground

I am Quaoar
And I’m a Dwarf planet candidate
In the outreaches of the Kuiper Belt’s
where I orbit

My name Quaoar
There’s so much to learn about me
As we adventure
on our space journey odyssey

#DwarfPlanets #DwarfPlanetsSong #KidsLearningTube
Youtube Thumbnail Betelgeuse - Will It Become A Supernova?
Betelgeuse - Will It Become A Supernova?
by KLT
3:01 - 3,437,238 views

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Learn about Betelgeuse -- a red supergiant star also known as Alpha Orionis that is one of the largest stars of its class -- with this Space Science video from KLT.

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Music: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017 KLT
Video: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017 KLT

I am Betelgeuse
And I’m nearing the end of my life
One of the top 10 Brightest Stars up in the night's sky

I am a Red Supergiant
expected to explode
into a Supernova in
100,00 years or so

I received the name Betelgeuse
in 1836
By Sir John Herschel an astronomer and a great scientist

I’m the second brightest star in the Orion Constellation
After the star Rigel, We’re seen from any of Earths nations

My diameters about 700 times that of your sun
And I’m 640 Light Years from Earth
that’s quite a run

But my surface temperature’s 6000 Degrees in Fahrenheit
Cooler than your suns surface 10,000 degrees yeah that’s right

I’m so massive if you replaced your sun with me
I’d reach past the orbit of Jupiter I’m gigantic you see

I’m considered a young star at just 10 Million Years Old
Soon to explode into a Supernova
Scientists say so

I am Betelgeuse
And I’m nearing the end of my life
One of the top 10 brightest stars up in the night's sky

I am a red supergiant
expected to explode
into a supernova in
100,000 years or so

A Red Supergiant is an aging giant star
that has consumed its core’s supply of hydrogen fuel that’s what they are

Helium has accumulated in my core so well
And Hydrogens undergoing nuclear fusion in my outer shells

When my outer shells expand I take on a red color
because I’m cooler than I was I’m happy to discover

Red supergiants are the largest known stars in the universe
And I’m expected to supernova onto the next verse

During fusion, heavier atoms are created until my core is Iron
That’s when I’ll run out of fuel without even trying

When that happens to a star as massive as me
the entire star collapses and explodes as a Supernova you see

When I do Supernova I’ll create quite a sight
some predict I’ll look like your full moons brightest light

The radiation I’d put off from becoming a supernova
wouldn’t affect Earth because I’m 640 Light years over

I am Betelgeuse
And I’m nearing the end of my life
One of the top 10 brightest stars up in the night's sky

I am a red supergiant
expected to explode
into a supernova in
100,000 years or so
Youtube Thumbnail Stars /Stars /VY Canis Majoris Song
Stars /Stars /VY Canis Majoris Song
by KLT
3:32 - 3,325,640 views

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Youtube Thumbnail Stars /UY Scuti Stars/Largest Star in the Milky Way Galaxy
Stars /UY Scuti Stars/Largest Star in the Milky Way Galaxy
by KLT
3:19 - 3,127,332 views

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Learn about the largest star in the Milky Way Galaxy, UY Scuti First cataloged in 1860 by German astronomers at Bonn Observatory. UY Scuti is the 38th Variable Star of the Constellation Scutum. Educate yourself with this amazing and fun educational music video for parents and kids. Brought to you by KLT! Don't forget to sing along!

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Music: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT
Video: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT

I am UY Scuti
The largest star in our galaxy
Find me in the night sky

I am UY Scuti
A Red Supergiant
In the Scutum Constellation am I

I was First cataloged
in 1860
by German astronomers at Bonn Observatory

I was named BD -12 5055
Until my second survey
I was found to be slightly more bright

That's when I was named UY Scuti
The 38th Variable Star of the Constellation Scutum, Am I

I'm the largest known star in the Milky Way galaxy
But because I'm so far from Earth You need a telescope to see me

I'm 30 Times the Sun's Mass But have a radius more than
Radius 1,700 Times Greater than the Earths Sun, I span

I am UY Scuti
The largest star in our galaxy
Find me in the night sky

I am UY Scuti
A Red Supergiant
In the Scutum Constellation am I

I am 9,500 Light Years away from your Earth
1 Light Year = 5.88 Trillion Miles for what that's worth

I'm known to be one of the most luminous stars
And I am a Red Supergiant
I hope you like me so far

I'm close to the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*,
Galactic Centre which is the center of our galaxy

I'm so large if you replaced your sun with me
My Photosphere Would Span Past Jupiter's Orbit as you can see

I've begun to fuse Helium and continue to fuse Hydrogen
in the shell around my core based on models of Stellar Evolution

After fusing heavy elements, my core will begin to produce iron, disrupting
the balance of gravity and radiation in its core and resulting

In a core-collapse supernova which is expected in stars like me
Look for me in the night's sky within your galaxy
Youtube Thumbnail Dwarf Planet Song/Dwarf Planet Candidate Orcus
Dwarf Planet Song/Dwarf Planet Candidate Orcus
by KLT
3:26 - 2,282,550 views

Learn about Dwarf Planet Candidate Orcus with the Dwarf Planet Song! Orcus may potentially be a Dwarf Planet in our Solar System! Brought to you by KLT!

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Music: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT
Video: Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KLT


Hello I’m Orcus
I am classified as a Plutino
Which is a Trans-Neptunian Object
Here we’ll talk about the info astronomers

Discovered on February 17, 2004
By Michael Brown and Chad Trujillo
and David Rabinowitz for sure

Discovered at the Palomar Observatory
using the Samuel Oschin Telescope
that discovered me

Officially discovered
back in 2004
In 1951 Precovery pictures saw me

My name came from the Etruscan God of the underworld
He was the punisher of broken oaths
I tell you as I twirl

Any objects of the similar size and orbit as Pluto
Are named by the IAU after Deities of the Underworld

Hello I’m Orcus
I am classified as a Plutino
Which is a Trans-Neptunian Object
Here we’ll talk about the info astronomers

My orbital period is 247 Years
But my rotation period is unknown
now isn’t that weird

(90482) 2004 DW
was my provisional name
before my official name, Orcus came through

I am a Kuiper Belt Object and I do have a moon
My satellite’s name is Vanth
And I’ll tell you more soon

The discovery of Vanth was made by Michael Brown
With the Hubble Space Telescope
is how it was found

On November 13, in 2005
But Vanth was announced
in 2007 it came to life

Hello I’m Orcus
I am classified as a Plutino
Which is a Trans-Neptunian Object
Here we’ll talk about the info astronomers

One more thing about Vanth
While It orbits me
It’s nearly Face-on in a perfect circle
you see

My satellites name came from meaning similar to me
Vanth is a Daemon in Etruscan Mythology

One complete orbit takes Vanth 9.54 Days
Here’s some more about me through my info doorway

I’m about 917 Kilometers
in diameter
and Vanth is roughly 276 Kilometers

Hello I’m Orcus
I am classified as a Plutino
Which is a Trans-Neptunian Object
Here we’ll talk about the info astronomers

Hello I’m Orcus
I am classified as a Plutino
Which is a Trans-Neptunian Object
Here we’ll talk about the info astronomers

#DwarfPlanets #DwarfPlanetsSong #KidsLearningTube
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